Yata Fushimi....???!!!!

651 17 4

We were friends. Best friend. Yes, as in past tense since we are not anymore. That's what I have always thought since he betrayed us—no...me. I always felt annoyed every time I saw his lanky figure. Did he even take care of himself? He looked so thin. LIKE HELL I CARE!!! Though I do.... somehow. He always appeared in front of me with his wide mocking grin on his pale face. He also never walked upright. But that's the way he is—maybe.

Sometimes, I thought that I didn't want to see him anymore for the rest of my life. But that wish was crushed into pieces when we were forced to perform in some sort of stage in front of a bunch audience. They told us to do some acting and actions though it was a piece of cake for me. But the more I did it, the more I interacted with that damn monkey. And the more we interacted, the closer (I felt) we were. The lazy-to-the-core man like him willing to do this sort of performance was unexpected. Did his blue king threaten him or something? But I felt glad I could see him more often now since I could piss him off more....or get pissed off by him more.

I knew I was weird. I loved it when he annoyed me. It couldn't be helped since I should face him during the acting stuffs almost everyday. It's unbearable for me.....and also for him. That's what he told me not long ago.


"I'm Yata Fushimi—" I suddenly stopped midway realizing my mistake. What the—???!!! What??!! WHAT DID I JUST SAY??!!!!! HOW THE HELL I COULD SAY THAT FRIGGING NAME???!!! It sounds even worse when I combine his with my own name!! DAMWIT!!!

"EEEEHHHHHH??" That's what was expected from the other members as well as from the audiences. And I prepared for the worst. It's Saru's intimidating and murderous glare.

I glanced to his side. Somehow, I felt grateful for our standing arrangement that we were separated this far though I could still feel his what-the-hell-were-you-talking-about glare.

"No, no, no, no!!!! Look, listen to me!!" I desperately tried to clear the mess.

"What? What is 'Yata Fushimi' supposed to mean?" Here the mocking came from my members.

"No, no!! Look, listen!! Let me explain for once!" I DID try to calm them though probably everybody could guess I was in panic. "We indeed have some scenes together. During practice, rehearsal, and even in the backstage, everybody including the staffs kept calling us 'Yata-Fushimi do this', 'Yata-Fushimi do that' or 'Yata-Fushimi here', 'Yata-Fushimi there'. HECK, I CAN'T DO ANYTHING BOUT THAT YOU KNOW!!! It somehow gradually implanted in my brain!" After shouting like that, I eventually could calm myself a bit. "OK. Let me do this again. I'm Yata Misaki. I feel..........."

I managed to finish my introduction smoothly afterwards. For some moments ago I couldn't hide my embarrassment. I hoped I won't get scolded by a certain grumpy person. I occasionally looked at his side to check his expression. As expected, he was expert in hiding his own feeling. So stubborn—well, both in good and bad way. When his time came, everyone thought he would burst some sort of annoyed remarks regarding my mistake. Instead, he did the introduction pretty well with his so heavenly calm gesture and voice. What a sly monkey!!



He pushed me to a locker door behind me right after we walked back to backstage after the curtain call. He was staring with his worst murderous and poisonous eyes. This is bad! This IS SO DAMN BAD!!!

"What the hell was that?" That monkey didn't give a space for me to take a breath. It's suffocating just by looking into his eyes.

"Eh? W—wh—what do you mean by 'that'?" I clearly stuttered but tried to act dumbly.

He raised another inch of his eyebrow indicating that he was frigging piss right now. "How long do you plan to act like an idiot?"

"A—ah...hahahahaha.....I...I don't get it."

"Tsk! During your introduction. Why did you say that?" He was getting annoyed more and more.

"O—Oh! That part. Sorry, I didn't mean it. It just slipped—"

"MISAKI!!!" He banged the locker door very hard that the voice hurt my eardrums.

"Hey! I said sorry, OK?! Why are you so pissed like that? It's not a big deal."

"Hoo? It's not a big deal, huh?" Saruhiko changed his expression into a mocking mode with a pretty wide grin on his disturbing handsome face now. "So, you want to deliberately tell the world that you are in love with me, Mi~sa~ki~??"

"HELL NO!!!"

"It's fine with me. I can forever mock you with that reason though."

"YOU—!!!!" I tried to hit him but he quickly trapped my both hands on top of my head. In a blink of eyes, he sealed my lips with his. I was too shocked to react. but his play melted me until I could see a heaven gate from the corner of my eyes. 



That's right. We're no longer friends. We're a newly lover.


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