Lunchtime with...... HER???

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Now, this chapter is available!! So, for some romance genre lovers, I think this is the best lovey-dovey scene I can think of..

So, please enjoy the story here!

Lunchtime finally come. I'm in front of her class's door now. What should I do?? Am I need to open it or not? Open it or not???!!!

While I'm debating with my own self, the door suddenly opened from inside. I was totally in shock!

"Ah, if it's not Kazuki-kun..." So it was Akira behind the door! "What do you want?" She asked me sweetly!

"N-n-nothing actually.. I just want to eat lunch together with you.." I didn't say anything wrong, right?

But I think that line would sting the other boys' ears...

"Oh, I'm really waiting for this!" She exclaimed excitedly. "I also made a bento for you!" And she handed me her bento.

"A-ah.. Thanks.." I just took the bento.

What?? The first day of our friendship and she already made me a bento????

"But what will you gonna eat if-" I was worried a bit about her as she gave me her bento. Yeah, what will she gonna eat if I take it??

But she cut me off with showing me another bento
"I actually made extra for you." She said. "Well, you are the first boy in our school that will taste the food that i cooked!"

"Man.. Why must him??"
"I'm much better than him.."
And I heard some unstatisfied male voices behind me.

"Man.. They are annoying.." Akira seemed pissed off.. "Don't worry Kazuki-kun." She said! "If they are about to touch you, I'm going to kill them for you."

What?? Just how could she say kill that calmly???

"Got it! Got it!! I know how to take care of myself!" I whispered in panic. "Just please stop killing people!"

"Okay then~~" she smiled sweetly. "Where are we going to eat? How about the roof since I hate the crowd?"

The roof?

"Nah.. I also hate the crowd in the school cafe so the roof is just fine..." Wait wait wait wait.. Isn't the roof is only reserved for the main character couple-

Oh shit... The worst nightmare ever...

"Fine..." Since I can't reject it!! "Why are we gonna waste our time here? Let's go!" I walked to the corridoor, leave her behind with her bento.

"Ehh?? W-w-wait for me!!" And.. She chase me up..

The most annoying ones, the boys keep yelling of jealousy and the girls keep whispering to each other while staring at us

Sigh... What I'm gonna do with my life...?

Yooo minna!! Finally finished chapter 5.. Sorry for slow updates!!! DX

Since it's now chinese new year holiday in my country, so I hope I can update faster!

Well, see you in next chapter!



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