p r o l o g u e

28 1 1


No...no...no....no...this isn't real. Just...no. This can't be happening. No! They're fucking dead! I closed my watery eyes once more, breathing slowly.

"There's our little Penelope!" Grandma beamed. I jumped right into granny's arms. Grandpa walked over to us and pinched my chubby cheeks.

"How you doing pen?" Grandpa grinned. I was released out of my granny's arms and skipped straight over to my grandpa.

"WONDERFUL PAPPY!" I exclaimed. Grandpa let out a little chuckle.

"You look just like your father." He murmured. Father? Where's father?

"Father?" I asked grandpa confused. I looked straight into his blue eyes.

"Never mind, pen. How about you watch some tv, while I get some hot tea?" He released me from his grip and me down on the leather chair.

I rapidly nodded my head yes.

That was the last I saw my Grandpa. He died of a heart attack. For some reason I remember him clearly. He's dead. One of the closet people to me I dearly love.

I don't love my mom. I don't love my sister. Or my friends. The ones I loved already passed. People say heavens a safe place, well I don't. I thought it was at first, but not until granny passed.

"Granny you sure you don't need a doctor?" I asked my grandma who is about ready to fall asleep on the couch.

"I'm fine, Penny." She spoke softly. Her voice sounded all crackly. Grandma started to take slower and slower breaths over time.

"I think you need to go to a doctor granny" I said concerned.

"PENNY! I SAID I WAS FINE!" She yelled.

"Okay." I mumbled sitting down beside her.

"Penny..." she breathed out. "Find...s-someone who will, take c-ca." She stopped talking.

"GRANDMA!" I gasped.

She gave out that day. Her heart quit pumping. She wasn't breathing at all. I kept checking her pulse. Nothing. She wasn't responding. She left me alone in this world. There's nobody else. Nothing.

People say I look depressed now. Not my usual happy self. I'm to gleamy. Today is Granny's funeral. I don't plan on going, unless my mom drags me out.

"Penelope." I heard a soft whisper from the other side of my door. Probably my mom.

"Come in." I replied.

My mom came straight through the door and sat beside me on the small bed. She flipped her brown curls over her shoulder. I look nothing like mother. I got stuck with Golden Blonde hair, and mushy blue eyes.

"You need to get ready for the-"

"I know." I interrupted her. I got off my bed and walked over to my closet. I pulled out a black skimpy dress. It was the only black article of clothing I own. That's just sad for a 19 year old.

What even sadder is your grandmas death.

"Penelope." My mom said once more. "I'm sorry." She walked out of my room leaving me alone. I can't take this. All those memories of my grandparents. I just want to cry it all out, but I can't.

Penelope Carter is strong.

I breathed in and out slowly. I took the dress and put it on. I applied some powder, mascara, and bronzer.

In the corner of my room I spotted my change jar with money for college. There's a shit load of money in there to survive on my own.

What if I left my family.

What if I started over.

Good idea Penelope.

I told my self. I grabbed the money in the jar and stuck it in my purse, along with womanly stuff, and my car keys.

I'm going to run away.

I ran down the stairs and told my mom I would meet her at the funeral place. I ran outside and jumped into my corvette. When I find a place to stay I'm going to have to change my phone number, hair style and other important things. Maybe even colored contacts.

I pulled out my iPhone 7s. Yes I'm rich. No surprise there. On google maps I typed in, 'South Carolina, small towns'. A town called Newburg popped up. Guess I'm going to be living over there.

I started my car and drove off to South Carolina, Newburg to start over. I'm going to burry my feelings somewhere in my heart and move on with life.


Hello! I hope you liked it so far. Are u ready for chapter one!? Hehehehhehehe I am!

If there's any spelling mistakes feel free to point them out! Also the chapters will be up to 2,000 words hehhehehhehe.

Adios Famila!



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