Chapter 16: Snores

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Escalating up the stairs to the main stage of the first show of the 7/27 tour was exhilarating for all five girls.

All girls were showcasing new outfits made especially for the 7/27 tour. While Lauren was slightly frustrated at the extra piece of fabric covering Camila's rear, Camila's eyes blatantly trailed down Lauren's body; focused on Lauren's plump behind being displayed in the new outfit. The smooth surface had her entranced. The brown eyed eyed girl snapped out of her ogling when she realised she had to sing the starting verse of 'Work from Home'.

I mean, can you blame her for staring?

Camila was even more overjoyed when Ty Dolla Sign's rap for the hit song started playing from the sound system. She wanted to personally thank Sean Bankhead for his choreography input. The young Cuban gracefully rested her head on Lauren's ass, gliding her tan arm down the length of the older Cuban's leg, tapping along the smooth surface on the journey back up Lauren's leg. Of course, the brown eyed girl had to give Lauren an extra tap on her perfectly rounded posterior.

When finishing that segment of choreography, Lauren gave Camila a stern, but playful look, shaking her head. Camila just winked in reply, her tongue between her teeth in a lopsided grin.

When the show was finally finished and each girl had dispersed from the stage, all members of Fifth Harmony changed into comfier clothes, ready for bed as they had an early start the next day. Each girl retired to their respective bunks... except for two members of Fifth Harmony.

At first, Camila tried to reside to her bunk. She tried, she really did. But Lauren's arms seemed so tempting and were so much more comfortable than a hard mattress in a confined bunk space.

So, Camila crept from her bunk to Lauren's, only to see the beige curtain drawn.

"Lo?" Camila whispered.

No respose.


Again, no response.

"I'm coming in." Camila cautiously stated.

The brown eyed girl drew the curtain open only to see - in her eyes - the most adorable sight known to mankind.

Camila cooed softly at the view. Lauren was curled up facing the drawn open curtain, as reticent snores escaped her slightly parted, full lips. Vibrant green eyes were hidden behind heavy eyelids, her long lashes rested peacefully upon her cheek, her dark hair was tousled and her face looked fuller due to the positing of her neck.

In Camila's eyes though, the green eyed girl looked stunning.

Camila manoeuvred over the sleeping girl's body, careful not to wake her. She scooted to the side closest to the wall, grabbed an extra blanket that was abandoned at the foot of the bunk, lied down and wrapped the furry fabric around them. Leaning her body weight on one arm, reaching over Lauren's sleeping frame and drawing the bunk curtain closed.

Camila enveloped her arms around Lauren's torso and snuggled into the back of the green eyed girl's neck, kissing the inked skin of dragonfly tattoo displayed.

She enjoyed Lauren's presence immensely... even if the older Cuban was snoring. Camila made a mental note to remind Lauren of her snores in the morning.

Just as Camila's closes her eyes, surrendering to sleep, the green eyed girl subconsciously rolls around to face Camila.

Camila peeked one eye open to see Lauren's smile in the dim light of the bunk.

"Couldn't stay away, could you?" Lauren joked, her voice rasping lower due to lack of use in the past while.

Ignoring Lauren's teasing, and ignoring the sexiness of Lauren's deeper voice, Camila states, "You snore."

"Do not."

"Lo, you do."

"No I don't." Lauren whined, elongating the 'no'.

"Its okay though," Camila begins, "you're cute."

"Hm, really?" Lauren smirks, looking smug.

"Yeah," Camila trails off, brown eyes darting down to pink lips.

Lauren wets her full lips, leaning closer to Camila.

Camila feels Lauren's warm breath ghosting against her lips.

The brown eyed girl rests her right hand upon Lauren's soft cheek, stroking it slowly, tracing insignificant patterns across the surface. She takes Lauren's lips upon hers, kissing her gently. Lauren reciprocates just as eagerly, molding their lips against one another's, opening her mouth a little wider. Camila takes the hint, and slowly lets her tongue enter Lauren's warm mouth, exploring the newly found space. When both girls feel their lungs begin to burn from holding their breath, Camila bites down on Lauren's plump bottom lip, releasing it softly with a pop.

Camila locks her eyes with Lauren's, resting her forehead against the expanse of Lauren's.

With both their eyes glistening in pure bliss, Camila kisses Lauren's nose, the green eyed girl scrunches it in response, squirming ad hiding her face in her pillow.

Despite Lauren's side profile being squashed into the pillow, Camila can still see the evident bashful smile displayed on Lauren's slightly swollen lips.

"Still cute." Camila whispers to Lauren.

"Stop it."

"Why?" Camila smirks confidently.

Lauren raises her head from the pillow, looking Camila directly in the eye, "you're making it really hard not to kiss you."

"Well, what's stopping you?"

It's 2017 in England ! Happy New Year !!! I hope you all have a brilliant 2017 :))

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