Chapter -11- Into Action

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(Your POV)

          I got up to my alarm and read the notification.
Interview Today!
         I threw my sheets off to the side and sprinted for my dresser. I grabbed some black jeans and a black and white striped shirt. I put my hair in a bun and put on a little makeup. I unplugged my phone and went to the kitchen. I made myself some toast and got a cup of milk. I finished eating so I got up and washed the dishes. I put my shoes on and grabbed my phone, purse and keys and got in my car. I drove to Starbucks and got there right on time. I headed inside and ordered a coffee. As I was waiting I got a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see a young blond lady who looked about my age. 
"Hi are you (Y/n)?" She asked in a hushed voice as to not disturb the silence.
"Oh yes, you must be Mackenzie." I replied holding my hand out for her to shake.
           She took my hand in hers and smiled. I got my coffee and we scanned the area for an empty table. We found one and sat down. She asked me some questions and then we just started talking about ourselves and just hanging out. She seemed very nice and I think if I got the job and we hung out more, that we would be friends.
(Time Skip- Home)
          I had a great time. Mackenzie told me that I met all the requirements and that her boss should get to me the following week. I got home and just relaxed. I had lunch, dinner, took a shower, and went to sleep. Tomorrow was going to be a boring day even though its Christmas Eve, I don't have anything to do.
(Time Skip- Morning) 
          It was Christmas Eve! Yay... At least I had somewhere to go tomorrow on Christmas. I got up around 10:00 AM and got some shorts and a t-shirt on and sat on the couch eating some cereal. I went onto Twitter and posted a picture of a Christmas movie I was watching.
"Welp, a lonely Christmas Eve. Better enjoy it the right way."
          I meant it as a joke but I found myself feeling upset since I would always have a sleepover with my brother or my boyfriend. But that obviously can't happen now. A little while later I got a reply from Joey.
"How about I come over, I love that movie"
          I quickly accepted his own invitation to my house with a,
"Sure thing, but bring pajamas its Christmas Eve!"

          We talked about it more through messages and he planned to come around four. I decided to clean up around my house and gathered pillows and blankets. I then went to the store and bought some hot chocolate, marshmallows, and whip cream. I made my way home at around 3:30. I was so excited, Joey was my best friend and it would be just like how my brother and I spent Christmas Eve. 
          Joey rang the doorbell and walked in with a small wrapped box. He handed it to me and gave me a hug. I looked down at the box and back at him.

"I thought I said no presents!" 
"Well you did but I don't listen all the time" He laughed and motioned for me to open it. I nodded and unwrapped the box. Underneath the wrapping paper was a wooden box. I unlatched it and opened to see an accordion of pictures. They were all of me and him, just hanging out. Some where even when I either wasn't looking or I was asleep on the couch. I felt some tears appear in my eyes but I held them back and dove into Joey's arms.
"Thank you so much." My words being muffled by his chest.
          We sat down on the couch and started to watch Start Wars. In the middle of the movie I jumped up, startling Joey, and spoke.

"Wait, if I'm going to watch this I need to be in my pajamas" I giggled and ran to my bedroom.
I heard a laugh come from the living room as I shut the door. I got my pajamas on and ran back into the living room and jumped onto the couch. We continued to watch the movie and occasionally ate some snacks. 
(Joey's POV)

          (Y/n) fell asleep with her head in my lap. I pulled out my phone and took a picture of us. It was hilarious but in every picture that I take of us I see a smile that she never has. She always looks happier with friends. How come she moved anyway, she has a great brother. I lifted her up and carried her down the hall and into her bed. I lifted the comforter over her and kissed her forehead. I set the wooden box by her lamp and put in a note. I shut the box, latched it and turned the lamp off. I went back to the living room and called Isaiah to make sure they were ready. 

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