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"Ugh! Could you just shut up already?!" I yelled at my alarm clock as I woke up. I slapped down the snooze button and looked at the time.

5:30 am

Yay school.

I lazily treaded off my cozy bed and started making my way over to my closet. As I stared at the wide arrange of clothing above me, I silently chuckled at how much clothes I had. There were splashes of grays, blues, reds, and whites scattered all across the sea of clothes. It was a strangely satisfying sight and I secretly loved it. But honestly if I could, I would just have my whole closet consist of hoodies and sweatshirts. Inside you could see the failed attempts of my mother trying to dress me like a girl leaving a whole side dedicated to dresses and skirts. Like that'll ever happen.

After about a good 10 minutes of throwing outfits on and off, I finally decided on a pair of black skinnies and a baby blue sweatshirt to go with my white all star converse. The light blue contrasted with the dark shade of charcoal jeans giving my eyes a pop! against my tanned skin.

I wish I could rewind summer all over again from the cooling beach winds to the late night bonfires. The past few months were purely just my family and I all hanging out at the family's beach house. I remember the first day we got there, my brother and I were so excited to finally get out to the car that as soon as we pulled up to the driveway, we sprinted towards the beach and just jumped in. Clothes and everything! We were soaking wet but we didn't care because we were too happy. We laughed so hard that I got a cramp while we were in the water, which just made my brother laugh even more. It was fun and all but once the adrenaline ran out, we just stood there freezing cold praying to get in the shower as soon as possible. I secretly loved seeing Mas look so vulnerable to the cold. Cue my evil laugh.

As I looked back at the long lost memories slowly fading away, I put my hair up into a messy ponytail and brought myself to my bathroom mirror. My eyes immediately started to get hazy. Oh no.

"Look at yourself. How could anybody love you?" No, not again.

"Ew. Why do you even try?" Please don't do this. Not right now.

"Can't you see? You have no friends. It's gonna be freshman year all over again."     I-I know....

"Just go away! Nobody even cares abou--"

"HEY RILES! YOU UP YET?!?!?!?! I SWEAR IF I HAVE TO WAKE YOU UP ONE MORE TIME." Oh, it's just Mas. God, sometimes brothers can be so annoying.

"YEAH! I'LL BE THERE IN A BIT!" I yelled back to my older sibling. That was my brothers way of saying we had about 45 more minutes left. Sigh...... What just happened? What was that? I thought I was done with the voices but they came back like a raging tsunami. Maybe it's just because to school! Maybe I'm just nervous or whatever. I really need to chill on the harsh comments.
Okay Riley, you know what to do. Just like the counselor said,

"Breath in......

now out.

That's good. Okay one more time.


and out.

Now remember Riles, positive thoughts. Just think happy, positive thoughts."

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