Happy new year

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Hey! I was going to be cute and have your wedding on New Year's Eve, today 4 me, but with little time 4 me, I will be postponing your wedding until maybe Jan. 14-19 or maybe give u and update around spring (so June for us Illinois people lol) anyway I'll try and give you an update soon. I wanna make it perfect and special because it is your wedding day, and the day this book finishes!!!! I wanna make it special for y'all because it's like watching my children's getting married. If that seems weird, deal 'cause you all have been with me for my rough times and helped me through it, and you really do feel like my kids. I watched you grow, and I'm seeing you get married for Christ sakes.

Have a very happy 2016 for what is left and I'll see you next year

A Water's Shadow (Rogue x reader)Where stories live. Discover now