An Unesxpected Meeting

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Before you read this you should probably read the 1st part "Sinister Plan" everything will make more sense or if your a savage you don't have to but I would highly recommend doing that.

December 31 2010 4:37 pm New Year's Eve
Light Yagami POV
"Mom I'm home." "Oh Light! How was your day? Do you want any tea?" "I don't want any tea, I'll be up in my room" I walk up the stairs about ready to scream. I lock my doors when I get into my room, "How could I be so stupid? Saying yes to go to a party?! Im so stupid," I feel my face get tinted red with anger. "How could I so stupid!" I start pacing around the room. "Well you didn't really mess up, a party will be fun right?" Ryuk says hoping to calm me down "No, no, NO! It isn't good, and that girl that was staring at me... what did she want anyway?" "Not to alarm you but she followed us most of the way back here." "WHAT?! Why didn't you tell me?!" "Well I thought she just lives close to us but she would hide when ever we would be able to possibly see her." I sat there and thought. I opened my mouth and was about to talk but then I closed my mouth and fell onto my bed.  "What if she is part of the C.I.A?" I said "I don't know about that Light," "well when you think of it it makes sense right? I'm the prime suspect and they sent people from the C.I.A, they must of learned from Raye Penber." "Well I guess that could kinda make sense-" "What do you mean 'kinda make sense' it absolutely makes sense!" Ryuk looks at me and rolls his eyes "I guess it kinda makes sense." I sit up..... I just had an idea. "I have a plan." I stand up and run down the stairs. "Hey mom I'm going to go hang out with friends for a little and I'm also going to go to a party tonight." I yell with a huge smirk on my face. "Ok Light just be safe ok." I quickly put on my coat and run out of the door. "Light, where are we going!?" I smile evilly, "You'll see, oh you'll see."

December 31 2010 4:48 pm New Years Eve
Hiriko Sato POV
Light Yagami arrived at the local store. I don't know why he was in such a rush to get out of the door because he sprinted at least 2 blocks full speed. I'm surprised I was able to catch up with him. He is buying some apples right now. Not strange at all, why do they have this kid under suspicion, he's just a regular kid! Either that or he is amazing at acting normal.
Light is heading over to the park, it's going to be hard to stay out of sight there but heck... I can do it, I think.
Light is just walking around this lovely park, the snow makes everything look so nice.
Light is going into a alleyway, I honestly don't know if this is bait or is he's just taking some weird short cut. He is a very smart boy... aw I'll live if I get caught, fuck it in going in.
As I walk into the alley I automatically loose track of Light. Shit! I hear foot steps behind me, I quickly turn around reaching for my gun, no ones their. I see movement out of the corner of my eye behind a dumpster. I have my hand near my gun ready to pull it out at any second. I slowly walk over to the dumpster... "hello?" I whispered I hesitated to go forward but I had to. I shut my eyes for a second and hoped for the best. I counted down in my head, 3..2...1 I opened my eyes. It's a can... a rolling can. I'm oddly relieved and embarrassed. I hear a foot step behind me, I quickly turn around reaching for my gun, a cold hand grabs me before I can tuch my gun. I look up and see a tall man, I am in shock I don't even look at the face. I kick the man, he doesn't even flinch. The man presses me against the wall and covers my mouth.
"WHAT DO YOU WANT WITH ME LADY? WHY WHERE YOU FOLLOWING ME!!" As I look up I'm shocked and relieved. As I looked into his eyes I realized how handsome he was. "Who are you?!" He yells "I'm-well I'm-" "I know that you know who I am... but why are you following me? Are you some kind of stalker!? I'm not interested in having a girlfriend like you! What do you want!!??" "I'm-" I hesitate " I'm Maaya Tanaka." I say bravery "Are you some kind of stalker?!" He said "No, I'm not-" "Well why where you following me around?" His temper mellowed he sounded more relaxed now. He also was speaking in a quiet more sweet voice "I just honestly wanted to meet you. Not to sound creepy but I've watched you life style from school, you seem so interesting and funny and smart.. I just really wanted to meet you." "Do you follow me home every night?!" "No! I swear! Today I just took a small detour to follow you a little and I saw you at the local market so I followed you to the park." I realized that my improv skills have gotten better. I would of never been able to think of this a few years back. I'm still amazed about how attractive Light is. I'm surprised he doesn't have a girlfriend or a actual stalker. "Do you want to talk about this in the park?" Light asked quietly. "Sure" I smirked and looked down at the ground shyly.  We walked out of the alley quietly. "Sorry if I hurt you a little when I knocked you back against the wall" Light said laughing a little. "It's ok, I'm tough," "Really?" Light said laughing. "I am!" "Ok whatever you think." I-I can't believe I'm saying this but, Light is an amazing guy... I really like him.

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