Chapter Two

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I stumbled out of the bar, spilling out into the back alley.  Pulling a cigarette free from my back pocket I made for my car.  It had been a rough night, though it wasn’t much different from the nights I’d spent for the last two and a half years.  Sleepless and lonely.

Seeing Ronnie brought back quite a few memories.  Some good, others mostly bad.  I hated myself for the way I had treated her.  I wanted nothing more than to take back a lot of what I had said to her.  And now that she was back, I vowed to make something right in her life.  I was determined to figure out who the rat was amongst the guys.  But it was hard to think that someone I had known for years…someone I had trusted myself around, was intentionally putting her in harm’s way.  And for what reason?

I wasn’t sure where to start.  Figuring out why someone would intentionally put her in harm’s way and then narrowing it down to who would do such a thing seemed just as hard as figuring out who would do it and then figuring out why.  My head buzzed under the alcohol and onslaught of questions that now starting filling my mind.

I stumbled down the sidewalk, realizing I should just walk home instead of attempting to drive.  And the cool night air would do a lot for my head.    It would give me plenty of time to evaluate my options.

I felt like I could effectively rule out Jordon.  He was crazy about her and was probably brimming with anger at the thought of someone hurting her.  Besides, he already had enough on his plate.  She was home and back to normal; no doubt he was going to tap that ass tonight.  If he could only get her away from Jorel long enough any way.

Jorel.  It was hard to believe.  He had been alongside Jordon the entire time, fighting for her.  Doing whatever it took to win her over.  But I guess he could have orchestrated the plan to give him a chance to win her over.  To show that in the face of danger…he was her knight in shining armor.  But he cared for her; wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize her safety.

I sighed.  Between the alcohol and the every growing questions, it was just too difficult to even imagine one of them hurting her.  I hated Jorel.  Hated Jorel for even putting this horrible idea into everyone’s head.  I just wanted to sleep and put the day’s events far away and never deal with them again.  Tomorrow I would take Ronnie out to dinner and tell her just how sorry I am.  And then beg for her forgiveness and offer her anyway she wanted to make it up to her.  That’s what I would do.  I mentally pushed the idea of a conspiracy to the back of my mind and made for home.

Maybe a block, block and a half from my house I heard the sound of rustling bushes and stopped dead in my tracks.  I had learned growing up in one of the worst parts of town that if it were a mugger, especially someone who recognized me now, it were easier just to wait…give them whatever they wanted and make no fuss about it.

I stood there in the cold, waiting for the mugger to emerge.  I lit another cigarette and pulled my jacket around my neck.  But nothing came.  So I made for my house once again playing the noise off as just a horribly overactive imagination.  But within a few steps from my original position I heard the unmistakable sound of heavy feet behind me.

Stopping, I pulled the cigarette free from my mouth and raised my hands.  “If you need money, I don’t have much but you can have it.”

I received nothing in response.  I motioned for my wallet.  “Let me get my wallet for you and then you can just go.”

“You’re going to give up that easily?”  A familiar but unwelcomed voice.

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