bitchy love

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"And I expect that you guys bring in your homework in next week" Miss Hardwork said.

Obviously, she wasn't called Mrs. Hardwork, but well the woman gave a shit load of work.

"And that includes you Hayley" she said.

I barely even blinked. I was busy trying to flirt with this new hot guy who wasn't falling for my frigging charms!

"So Ethan," I said. "You can seat with me and my crew during lunch, if you like. "In the middle of the canteen/diner hall or whatever you want to call it. We're hard to miss." I winked, but as I was leaving, I heard him say 'no thanks'.

What was wrong with this guy? Was he gay? No straight guy was ever able to resist my charms. All I had to do was click my finger, and a line of dickheads would be waiting for my command. Hmm, a challenge. I was gonna get this guy. Of course I was.

* * * *

Sasha's pov.

"And this is the canteen." I said.

My mother's best friend had just moved into town with her family, and surprise, surprise, her son had moved into my school. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate him and all, but obviously, he was gorgeous. With his well chiselled jaw bone, and blue eyes, with little flecks of an unknown colour, and those arms, omg, i just to rub myself against it. If you get what I mean. Anyway, you get my point. He's not the kind of guy that would date me. More like Hayley crown. God I hate that bitch.

"So, can I seat with you?" Ethan asked, surprising me.

"Umm, sure."

We sat at my usual spot, well mine and my best friends' crystal and Josh, who was gay. But he wasn't in today and Crystal was unusually quiet. She was usually very weird and loud, which was why I liked her.

"Hey, Crystal ball, you alright?" I asked

"Yeah, actually, no, God, I hate that Hayley bitch!" she said venomously. Hmm, Sasha was never angry; I wonder what the hag from hell (aka Hayley) had done.

"Who doesn't? What did she do?" I said

"Not what did she do, but what did she say. She said i was ugly, and a freak who was adopted."

I drew my breath. Hayley had gone too far. Everyone knew that was Crystals' soft spot. No-one ever talked about her adoption. Ever.

"What. A. Cow. Everyone knows you're not ugly. You're a babe!" someone said from behind us. We turned around and saw Josh. Yay! He was in.

"Josh!" i said.

"Yeah, yeah, i know. And who is this?" he asked, giving Ethan fluttery looks. Ethan looked creeped. I laughed.

"This is Ethan. He's my mums' best-friends son. And no, he's not gay."

"Well forgive me for being interested. He's just so damn hot!" josh said, as he slid in beside Ethan.

"Heloooo, forget about my problem why don't you" Crystal said, but she gave Ethan a flirty smile.

"Josh's right, you are a babe." I said. I wasn't just saying it. It was true. Crystal is caramel coloured, but she was beautiful. She had a really nice face, her cheekbones sat high, her lips were plump, (not too plump) and she had eyelashes that even mascaras couldn't imitate. Her hair reached her back bone, and it was black-ish. In the sun, it shone brown.

Crystal had once been very popular, but she wasn't bitchy. Anyways, she was once popular and dated all the hot boys. Then, she went out with Bryan, official hot stuff. Well until that accident. He died, and Crystal instantly lost her cool. Probably because Hagley was bad-mouthing her in school and also because well, it was uncool (apparently) to have a dead boyfriend, who died for you. Anyway, Hayley became bad-ass, and well, let's just say we became friends because of a certain detention.

"And hey, you know best than to listen to Hagley." Josh said.

"yeah, I know. Hey Ethan, didn't you just have English with Hayley?" crystal asked.

"Yeah, why?"

"Well, you hot, and she always asks hot new guys to seat with her. Didn't she ask you?" Crystal said, nonchalantly (don't ask me how I know what that means).

"Umm, she did, but I told her I was seating with someone." Ethan said. Josh's eye widened. So did mine. No-one rejected Hayley.

"So that's why she keeps on giving us evils" Crystal laughed.

"Oo-er, she's coming over." Josh said.

Surely enough, Hayley cat walked over to our table, closely followed by her stupid minions

"O-M-G! Hello Ethan, we meet again. Although I was hoping you would sit with us, so I could introduce you to my friends and all, but whatever. And, I must warn you, you don't want to be seating with this lot, I hear Crystal is a tranny, that gay on is a psycho, and that one has rabies. Be careful baby." She said as she shimmied out.

"Cow" I said

"ho" Crystal said

"witch" Josh said

"Bitch" Ethan said.

We all turned and looked at Ethan. Guess he wasn't so shy after all.

Like it? Don't?  hmm? anywayyy thanks for reading <3 

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