Happy new years and update

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You don't have to read this, but it's important for future chapters. But before we get into that, Happy new year! It's 2017 guys! Isn't that nuts? I hope you all had an alright year! This year has been nuts and terrible in many ways but you guys made this great! over 200 view? I know it's not the largest number but I'm happy! This is a story I've worked really hard on, the plot, the writing, the thought I put into this story means a lot to me. I know my writing isn't the best but having a story I love to write do fairly well makes my day!

And the update. For the next bunch of chapters it's gonna be a boatload of fluff! I want to show their relationship more instead of just saying that they love each other, end of story. I want to show why they like each other so much. But don't worry, the original plot will come into bits and pieces of it! I just don't want to overwhelm you guys with angst.

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