A Nightmare

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You wake up, covered head to toe in sweat. The glaring, deadly, blood lusty eyes in your nightmare remained in your head. You bring your shaking hands up to your head. Your fingers run through your tangled hair. You must have been tossing and turning for a long time.

You get off your bed and slowly make your way to the kitchen. You reach into a cupboard and grab a plastic (F/C) cup. You go to the sink and fill it with water. After a couple of breathing exercises, you drank the water.

The cold liquid soothed your heated body. You set the cup down and close your eyes. It's just a dream... it's just a dream... you repeated.

A sudden chill traveled down your spine. You quickly turned around, having a distinct impression that someone was watching you. However, no one was there. You laugh at yourself and rub your eyes.

"Now I'm going crazy," you say to yourself.

You head back to your room to try to get some more sleep.


A handsome man with a cute box smile waits in his car, looking into (Y/N)'s home. He sees her turn around suddenly, looking as if they had seen a ghost. He chuckles at the cute gesture. "How cute," he says quietly, particularly to no one.

As (F/N) heads back to her room, the man takes out his phone to make a call. "Hello?" said a deep voice on the other line.

"She seems to have a sharp eye," he says.

"Taehyung-ah, don't get distracted. We need you to do it quickly before she says anything," the deep voiced man says agitated.

The man named Taehyung smiles. "Yes sir," he replies.

Taehyung ends the call and continues to look at your house. "I'll see you later, (Y/N)," he says.


The next morning, you wake up with a stiff neck. Ow. Dang it, I must have slept wrong, you think. You slowly slides off the bed while holding your hand to the back of your neck.

When you finished doing the morning business in the bathroom, you changed into a white shirt that was a tad bit large on you, black jeggings, and you put on a (F/C) sweater. You grab your black backpack that sat on your chair and started to head out.

You pause in front of the shoe cabinet near the front of the door and chose black converse. As you put on the shoes, you look back at the house to double check if you left something. After a moment, you left.

As you left the house, you once again felt the chills. You look at your surroundings and see a black Lexus is250. You wondered how long it had been there. In the driver seat, there was a cute brown haired man that seemed to be calling someone.

You look away and scratch your head. You brush it off and walk to school. Lately, you feel as if your life is threatened. But you guess thats what happens when you get paranoid.

Your phone starts to buzz and sing to you. You take it out of your bag and see the caller I.D.: (F/N).

You slide your finger across the screen and hold the phone to your ear. "Hello?"

"(Y/N)~! Where are you?" (F/N) says.

"I'm walking to school. Why?" you ask.

"Some guy gave me a call and asked about you~," they said in a sing-song voice.

"Really? Why?"

"I don't know. He said that he got my number from a friend so that he could get to know you through me. He seems to like you."

You frown as you walk. "Some guy is interested in me?" you wondered.

"Yeah! Haven't you noticed? You're cute!" (F/N) states proudly.

You laugh. "What are you saying? I'm hanging up!"

"Fine. See you at school!"


You press the red button on your screen and put your phone in your backpack. The warm and soft breeze blew through your hair. You hummed a little song that your mother sang to you when you were younger. You missed her dearly.

She had passed away due to heart problems and left you to live alone. Your mother was the kindest person you ever knew. She worked at an orphanage to take care of the children that had no parents. The children loved her.

Your father was a subject that you tended to not dwell on. End of discussion.

You continued to walk on the path to school, humming. "Hello? Excuse me," says a voice.

You turn around and see a man. It was the man that was calling someone in the black Lexus. "Yes?" you ask.

"I just moved here and I don't know where the nearest shop is," he says apologetically.

"Ah. If you walk down the street for a quarter mile and the turn left, there is a convenience store," you say as you point behind him.

You turns and looks down the street. You looks back at you and smiles with a cute boxy smile. He's cute... you thought. "Thank you," he says.

You smile and bow. "Excuse me, (Y/N)-ssi. I am Kim Taehyung by the way."

You turn around. "H-how do you know my name?"

He walks closer. Your heart beats faster. On instinct, you spin on your heels and run. You could hear his footsteps close behind you. You make a sharp right at the intersection and continue to run like the devil was chasing you.

You tried to run as fast as you could, but he caught up to you. His hand wrapped around your left wrist and he twisted it behind your back. You cried out in pain. His other hand came in front of your mouth. His hand had a cloth that blocked your mouth and nose, preventing you from breathing.

You tried your best not to breathe in. You squirmed in his grasp, but it was firm. Your body was close to his, making you uncomfortable with the close contact. "Don't fight it," he said in a low voice.

You couldn't breathe, so your lungs started to grab for air. You couldn't take it anymore. You breathed in slightly and a sweet smell filled your nose. You felt the energy escape your body. You soon collapsed into Taehyung's arms. He whispers, "Good girl."


This was short and terrible, I understand😅😅 I'm trying to get this story moving so I'm introducing as much of the members as possible right now. I hope you're enjoying so far. 감사합니다! (Gamsahabnida)

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