Tsukishima x Reader x Yamaguchi: Insomnia

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It was 11:30 pm on a school night when I started writing this and my eyes are burning so here you go! This is more of a "S-inserts-their-current-issue-into-a-fic" but I hope you like it anyways!


"What position do you usually sleep in?" Tsukishima's voice broke you out of your mind fog. "Hmm? Sorry, I wasn't listening." You responded, rubbing an eye.

He sighed, a little irritated at having to repeat himself again, but asked a second time. "What position do you usually sleep in?"

"My stomach usually, but sometimes on my side." You replied. He nodded in thought for a second. "What about sleeping on your back?" You shook your head. "My sinuses," You tapped the side of your nose. "are usually blocked, so when I lay on my back it's hard to breathe."

He sighed, running his hand through his hair. "Have you taken your sleep meds yet?" You shook your head. Tsukishima frowned and poked you gently in the forehead. "Dumbass. You're supposed to take those an hour before going to bed, otherwise your schedule gets all messed up."

You frowned in response and rubbed the spot where he poked. "I'm sorry, all right? It slipped my mind after I got home and had to save the kitchen after you almost set the stove on fire trying to make that damn strawberry shortcake again!"

He scoffed at you. "Blame me all you want, it's not going to be me that can't sleep tonight."

You groaned in frustration and rubbed your sore eyes again. "I know. I'm sorry, it's just that it's been like this all month, and it's not getting any better."

Tsukishima observed your exhausted state. Your insomnia had been keeping you up late for weeks now, and it clearly showed. Your once shiny and soft hair was now dull and dry to the touch. You were a lot more irritable as well, and the stark contrast between your paler-than-normal skin and the dark, dark circles under your eyes were concerning.

"Hey." His voice was suddenly a lot quieter and softer. You looked up in surprise as his hand came down on the top of your head, ruffling your hair a little. "Come here." His arms wrapped around the back of your neck and ribcage, since he couldn't quite reach your waist, and pulled you into his chest. You sighed in relief as your cheek met the soft cotton of his pyjama shirt, and the beat of his heart echoed through your ears.

"Sometimes," his voice rumbled through his chest and into your ear. "It helps if you have something to hold onto while you sleep." You hummed and wrapped your arms around his waist. You stayed that way until the bathroom door that connected to the bedroom opened, and along with the steam that escaped, so did your other boyfriend.

"Falling asleep standing up? You two look exhausted" Yamaguchi said, rubbing the ends of his hair with the towel that hung around his neck. "This one is at least." Tsukishima replied, giving a small smile as your eyelids began drooping.

"Do you think you can sleep tonight, (Y/N)? Did you take your medicine yet?" Yamaguchi walked over and put his arms around the both of you and rested his forehead on your shoulder. "Didn't take 'em yet." You mumbled. You brought one of your hands back to stroke the back of his head, feeling the dark brown strands of hair in your fingers.

"Well, you'll have to take them soon, then." You hummed in response. "You smell nice. Did you use that body wash I got last week?" You asked. Yamaguchi smiled and nodded, nuzzling into the juncture of your neck and shoulder. "I read somewhere that lavender's a good sleeping aid."

Your heart warmed at his words. You felt so lucky to have someone– two guys, no less– care for you. At first, when you three had starts dating, it had been a bit awkward, but you were in college now, and it all felt so natural. You closed your eyes and offered a silent 'thank you' to whatever made this happen.

"Can we head to bed now? It's getting pretty late and (Y/N) has class in the morning." Tsukishima's voice came from above, and you looked up to see him looking at you and Yamaguchi fondly with a small smile on his lips. You hummed and nodded. "Okay."

Both guys took a hand and led you to the bedroom. "I think it's fair to say you get to be in the middle, (Y/N)." Yamaguchi smiled and squeezed your hand. As you reached the bed, you noticed a container and a glass of water on the bedside table that hadn't been there before.

You frowned and picked up the container. It had seven different pockets in there, with the day of the week on each one of them. Looking into them you could see a pill and... Something else.

"Ah, I found those at the store when I went to get groceries today. They're so you remember if you've taken your medicine that night or not. Aaaand," Yamaguchi walked over and flipped one of the sections up. "I put an M&M in there as a... Reward, I guess? It might help you remember better, and I know you love sweets."

"I've seen these before, my grandpa has them for his blood pressure medicine." You remarked, taking a sip of water and popping in your meds and swallowing them, and then eating the M&M in the section.

"That makes sense, you have the memory of an old man." Tsukishima teased getting into bed. You pouted and threw yourself onto the bed near him. Reaching to poke the sides of his ribs where you knew he was ticklish, you were stopped when he wrapped his arms around you and held you tightly. You squirmed around a little before realizing that you couldn't move.

"Kei!" You wined.

"What? You know better. The last time you tried to tickle me I almost kicked you in the face."

You sighed happily, nuzzling into his neck. It was so warm, you didn't want to move. "It was worth it though, your laugh is adorable."

You could feel the warmth of his blush through his skin. "Go to sleep. I don't want to have to deal with your grumpy ass in the morning, whining that you didn't get enough rest."

"Heh, alright. Goodnight, I love you guys."

"Love you too, (Y/N)" They replied in unison as you shut your eyes. You still weren't tired, but having two warm boyfriends cuddling with you made you relaxed enough to keep your mind calm as you slowly began to drift off."


It was already 9:00 am, well past your original 6:30 am alarm, and yet you continued sleeping.

"They're going to be mad when they find out we turned their alarm off." Tsukishima warned Yamaguchi as the freckled boy tucked you in with more blankets.

"I know," he said, brushing some hair out of your face and smiling tenderly at your sleeping form. "But they need their rest. We can take notes for them in Math and English lit, and I can text some of their classmates to take notes for them in their other classes. It won't hurt to miss one day."

"Alright, but if they're pissy by the time we get back, I'm blaming you."

'Alright, Tsukki!~"

"Shut up, Tadashi."


Aahhh, it took me forever to write this! I swear I'll get better at updated, I'm just a little slow right now :/ Oh well. I hope you liked it! I rarely see a lot of "domestic" poly stories (Don't get me wrong, I'm totally down for a nice anime sandwich ^^) and as a person who is polyamorous, I like to see a little more representation :) Considering this is the relationship I see myself fitting in best, that's what I wrote.

Let me know if you have any requests! Make sure to give me a little bit to go on, as well. The first page has all the fandom a I'm writing for in this book so check out that!

Okay, I think that's everything, have a lovely New Year!


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⏰ Última actualización: Jan 01, 2017 ⏰

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