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If only
We can meet
If I
Can hold your hand
When I come to you
I keep getting scared
If we
Can love each other
Is it because we're friends
Or am I a pushover
Or because
You're too pretty
I've seen how
You coolly blow off guys
Good riddance
But when I imagine
Myself becoming one of those guys, I get goosebumps
If you come to me
I want to make you laugh every day more than you do now
I get scared baby
There are too many things
I haven't said to you, I've been waiting
I get scared baby
I've been hidng from you
I'll tell you like this now
Baby I'm falling in love

If only
We can meet
If I
Can hold your hand
When I come to you
I keep getting scared
If we
Can love each other
Yeah I'm always
Behind, behind you
There are too many things
I havent said to you
I've tried to make it obvious several times
But you didn't notice at all
My mouth went dry
I get worried
When still don't know
And look at me and smile, you're so pretty
If we
Can be together
Even this easy saying
Is hard to say baby
If you are the one
To fill the empty spot in me
Everything would be perfect
If that's you
I will always make you happy
I could only look on
From far away but
Now I want to protect
Even your smile
If we
Can love
If we
Can meet
If I
Can hold your hand
When I come to you
I keep getting scared
If we
Can love each other

GOT7 - FLIGHT LOG : TURBULENCE 2016Where stories live. Discover now