The meeting

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James POV

I watched lily's mouth fall open in shock as she saw Melanie and Sirius kissing each other. She sat, staring at the back of Mel's head for a long time and I watched her. A piece of hair fell in my eyes and I ran my hand through my hair to fix it. At that moment, lily shook her head and looked at me strangely.

"potter" she said, waving a hand across my face.

I realised that I had been staring and came out of my daze. "yes lily-flower?" I asked, smirking at her.

"ugh don't call me that. We need to see Dumbledore so if you're quite finished staring at me then we can go." She said "and you have some dirt on your nose."

She flicked her hair around as she turned to leave. I quickly stood up and followed her. As I did, I tripped over some books on the floor, and when I flipped one open, I saw the name 'Lily Evans' written in the front in neat writing. I flicked through the pages to see if there was anything interesting written inside. I was about to close the book and leave when I saw a small doodle on one of the pages. It had been scribbled out but when I looked closely I could see that It was a snitch with the letters L and P inscribed on it. Lily Potter? I thought. But she hates me...

Lily POV

I left in such a hurry that I forgot my books, but I couldn't go back for them now, I would look like an idiot. I just had to hope Alice or Bex would pick them up for me.

I headed for Dumbledore's office and gave the password to the gargoyle: "chocolate frog". I stepped onto the staircase and waited for it to reach the top. As I waited, I thought about James. The way he ruffled his hair every time he thought I was looking irritated me so much I found myself grinding my teeth at the thought.

I looked down and found that I had stopped moving and had arrived outside Dumbledore's office. I reached for the door knob and stepped inside, hearing the gargoyle grind back into position.

I looked around the office. There was nobody there except for a few paintings who seemed to be sleeping, or visiting another portrait somewhere. I didn't dare touch any of the fragile instruments which covered most of the surfaces so I sat down on a confortable armchair and waited for Dumbledore and James to arrive.

James POV

I ran most of the way to Dumbledore's office. On the way, I saw McGonagall trying to stop me, she probably wanted to talk about quidditch and I really didn't have time so i waved at her and ran on.

When I reached the gargoyle, I breathlessly wave the password and hopped onto the moving staircase. I stood, panting like an animal on the stairs until I reached the top. When I did, I ran a hand through my hair and knocked on the door, hard. When no-one answered, I just continued to knock, without stopping. It didn't cross my mind to just go in, so I carried on knocking.

Lily POV

James was being an idiot, as usual. For dom ridiculous reason he was pounding on the door to the office and didn't bother to come in. I left him there.

Eventually, Professor Dumbledore arrived. He sat down on the other side of his desk and looked at me over the top of his Half-moon shaped glasses and put the tips of his fingers together like an evil villain in muggle movies. He smiled, like there was some inside joke which he knew about, but I didn't.

"I think there's someone wanting to come in" he said and gestured at the door.

"oh um ok" I muttered and stood up to open the door.

"no no no, sit down, I want to talk to you first" he said calmly.

I sat back down and looked at him. He had a small smile on his face like he was trying not to laugh and his eyes were twinkling mischievously. He is definitely up to something.

"Miss Evans," he started "I hear that you have hated James potter from day one?"

"um yes" I said, taken aback.

"have a lemon sherbet" he suddenly said.

"oh ok"

"Now, the thing is, I appointed you head girl for a reason. specifically because you are reliable, caring and do not care about blood status. However, it seems that you and Mr Potter have a little problem. So I am going to have to ask you one thing." Dumbledore said slowly.

He is so up to something. I thought, but nodded anyway.

"Ok, you see that having a head boy and girl who hate each others guts is not usually a great idea, but I don't like 'going with the flow' as you say these days. So I decided to mix things up a bit. Now, you and Mr Potter may not like each other now, but I want you to learn to tolerate him" he held up a hand "I don't want you to go out with him, I just want you to learn to tolerate him."

"Oh well, I can try maybe" I stuttered.

"good, now maybe it is time to let him in." He said, smiling.

I stood up and went to open the door and let James in. He was still knocking. What is his problem, he's gonna break down the door! I thought as I reached for the door handle. I turned the knob and opened the door quickly.

"What the hell..." I said to him.

The I felt something collide with my face and something wet and sticky running from my nose.

"OH MY GOD EVANS ARE YOU OK?" James yelled, suddenly coming to his senses. He came forward and held onto my arms to stop me from falling over. Usually I would have hit him, hard, for touching me but I remembered what Dumbledore had said and let him guide me to my seat.

"Lily, I am so sorry, and you ok?" He said, surprisingly gently. He sounded like he actually cared. Of course he doesn't come off it I told myself.

"Don't worry Mr Potter ill fox her up." Dumbledore said, catching my eye and smiling widely. "episkey"

Suddenly there was a sharp pain in my nose and then the pain was gone, except for a dull throbbing. Dumbledore also cleaned up the blood on my face and robes before turning to face us both.

"Ok down to business." He said "You both have duties as head boy and girl so i expect them to be carried out properly, with no messing about. First of all, you have to take a list of the foods you want for the meals each day to the kitchen. Mr Potter I assume you know where that is." He winked at James and then carried on "You also have patrols and the like but prefects do most of that so ill tell you if you're needed. You need to give a speech to the first years and also ill need help sorting out next years muggle borns but that's not for a while now so you don't need to worry about that. Bla bla bla, talk to the teachers and collect lesson plans, yes yes whatever. So I think that's it." He said, looking up from the piece of paper. "oh and you get your own dormitories. They are just around the corner from here, there's a smaller gargoyle and then those steps take you up to your common room and dormitories. The gargoyle will recognise you and you will be able to grant your friends access as well. Off you pop goodnight" he finished.

"Ok night" said James and left immediately.

"Sir, can I ask you something?" I said.

"you just did but go ahead and ask as many questions as you like my dear." He replied.

"Why did you appoint James Potter, why no Remus Lupin?" I asked

"well Remus has personal problems which would interfere with his duties and as for My Potter. That's for me to know and you to find out." He winked at me and the left the room.

"well goodnight." I called and then headed for the Gryffindor common room to find my friends.


A/N: That was a long chapter. If anyone's reading, can you give me ideas and anything I could do to make it better. But no one's reading it so who cares...

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