Fourwheeler intertubing

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So your probably wondering what the fuck, four wheeler intertubing means, well I'm about to tell you.

It's when your uncle preferably named "uncle Scott", comes up to you and your best friend after it snows and there is at least a foot of snow on the ground and he says "you guys wanna do a thing".

But he's also holding a intertube and the four wheeler is running in your neighbors yard because they actually have one.

Then because you and your best friend and both fucking idiots you say "yeah".

So then he hooks up a intertube to a four wheeler with a rope.

And you should have known at that moment that what was about to happen was really fucking stupid. But that doesn't matter because you are also really fucking stupid.

So then it's all hooked up you and your best friend are both on the intertube holding in to the rope, and then the uncle starts going, but he doesn't understand the difference between "slow" and "faster" because slow isn't in his vocabulary and he either just keeps going at the same speed or faster.

And then your best friend falls off as he makes a turn, and suddenly it's life or death, because oh no your falling off now too and the snow is really fucking cold.

So then the uncle stops and you guys get back on -fucking idiots-

But this time the best friend gets hit in the face with a pine tree and you hit a rock with your stomach.

Finally it's the last time you go around for the night, but it was a mistake, because suddenly the uncle makes to fast of a turn and you are hitting your back on a pile of bricks -wonderful right?-

So that's it you stop for the night, go in the house, fix your war wounds, get some hot coco sit by the fire, till your warm.

Then the next morning comes.

And you and your friend ask the uncle "hey can we do it again" which was a mistake.

So he agrees and your doing it again, so you make a couple laps in the yard without death so far but then the turn and you and your friend both fucking fly off and suddenly the friend is on your shoulder, and you are in pain, you think you broke it but no your just a weak bitch.

So finally you guys stop -until next winter probably- and you realize by the end that you have probably swallowed about 10 pounds of snow, and thought you got frostbite.

But neither of you idiots gave a fuck because you both asked the same question.

"Wanna do it again next winter?" 

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