That's That Shit I Don't Like

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    It seemed as if today was not my day. From this morning to my altercation with Darius I was annoyed but mostly at myself for exerting energy. Walking into Physics I could feel it was going to be much better than English. As I entered into Mr. Strombergs class any anxiety or irritation I had from earlier lessened. I promised myself as the 1 minute bell rang that I wouldn't allow myself to engage in pointless conversations or in situations that risked harm to me and any individuals involved. Of course that shit didn't last . As the final bell rang a group of bitches stumbled in talking loudly and laughing mad loud.

Oh my fucking god I will stab these bitches in the eye with a spoon I thought.
   " Students are not on time when they are not in their seats, materials unpacked, and silently doing their warmup" Mr. Stromberg declared . Mumbles, groans, eyerolls, and snickers were the response. At this point I don't know why teachers even bothered because teens are gonna do what the fuck they want when they want . Class seemed to slowly drag on as Mr. Stromberg reviewed lessons from the beginning of the year to mid November . I was more than halfway sleep as I day dreamed about eating twinkies and oatmeal creme pies .
   "The project will be considered a portion of your Physics final." Mr. Stromberg said.
Nigga holding on to the little bit of hair and tries to hide his bald spot with a comb over but forgets to fix his hairline say what?
   " Excuse me Mr. Stromberg, but we only have 1 week until finals not to mention most of us have other classes with projects as well ." Miranda said.
    "Your point Ms. Jones ?" Mr. S asked . Everyone's face was painted with a similar look of disbelief and irritation.
    " What she means is you're being inconsiderate and not being mindful that we have lives we are not robots and you're putting a last minute burden onto our hands . " Silas Montgomery remarked. I had forgotten he was in this class. Mr. Stromberg rolled his eyes and opened his mouth to say
    " Okay and colleges- but was interrupted by the intercom .
   " Good morning ladies and gentlemen my name is Cecily your USB president coming right at ya with your morning announcements!" Cecily shrieked. I have no clue as to why or how anyone could be this happy over morning announcements . Makes me wonder what drugs she's taking and why I don't have any. "This Friday marks the last game until the football playoffs ..." I drowned out the rest of the morning announcements going back to dreaming about stuffing my face with twinkies and my beloved oatmeal creme pie cookies 😋 .
" And gooooo Mustangs!!" Cecily rounded off. I had forgotten she was also a varsity cheerleader . Just as the intercom broke off students began packing up realizing there was 5 minutes of class left.
    "Excuse me but there is 5 minutes of class left. And we will work until the bell now unpack your belongings silently." Mr. Pain-in-my-ass said. Everybody damnnear drilled laser beams onto his face and the class was filled with kissing teeth, some resistance, mumbles and a few fuck yous here and there.
     "Now the project is about our waves unit. As you know there are two types of waves..." he looked at us expectantly.
   "Transverse and longitudinal " the class chorused.
   "Good very good. Now the task is to create something that has to do with either wave and write an essay using key terms from the beginning of this unit and I want you to label what your project is and give an story that supports it". Mr. Stomberg informed."Oh and I've already picked your partners. " he said all sinister like. Now if you thought the groans and cursing was bad before well nothing was worse than now. He quickly began to rattle off partners. I didn't even bother to listen I only cared to tell whoever I was stuck with that we'd just work separately then come together at the end.
   "Marshia and Silas " Mr. Last Minute said.
   What the ever lasting fuck ?
A few people snickered like it was funny that we were partners.
  "Sucks you gotta be with Naps over there well at least she has a fat ass " I heard someone poorly whisper. Snickers filled the classroom.
    " Funny that you're making fun of the exact same hair your grandpa loved my grandmother , aunty, and cousins for " I retorted.
  " Nah my grandpa doesn't like ghetto nappy haired monkeys" the random boy sneered.
    " I know that's why his ass kept creeping into my grandmas room at night ." I smiled " Oh and for someone who's nose is bigger than his dick you sure talk a lot of shit" I laughed.  This boy did not understand I play zero games . Fuck staying under the radar idiots like him and Darius should've been   swallowed by their mom.
   " Ms. Lee please control your language " Mr. Stromberg warned. I rolled my eyes it's always us never them . They could get away with murder and no one bats an eye, yet as soon as any  person with melanin sneezed everybody's fingers are pointed .  Suddenly the bell rang and just as fast as the moment came it was soon gone, but not forgotten at least not for me. I slowly packed my things and headed out the door when a voice called out .
       "Marshia Marshia wait!" a voice shouted. I turned around facing Silas Montgomery .
   "  You walk fast girl . Somebody chasing you?" he joked. My face was blank I was unamused, tired, and irritated. 
   "Well I wanted to talk to you about the project " Silas started.
    " We can do different parts and come together at the end" I interrupted. His face showed his confusion then embarrassment .
    "D-do you not wanna work with me?" he queried. I noticed redness creeping onto his face and his hands in his pockets.
     Is that embarrassment because he doesn't like being rejected or something else?
     " I just figured you were busy and didn't wanna work with me so I went with the most painless route" I explained.
   " No. I want to work with you Marshia." he declared. I nodded my head in response a little suprised he wanted to work with me.
    "Well ok I guess it'd be smart of us to figure out our meeting spot" I said.
  " How about your house?" he asked.
     "No!" I shouted a bit too fast . Silas face went from shock to embarrassment in under 15 seconds .
" A-alright then mine?" he offered. The day dragged on after Silas and I decided we'd meet at his house every Monday and Thursday since football practice and coaching incoming freshman basketball players for next year took up every other day. The schedule was good for me and gave me a reason to not stay trapped in that stupid ass house. Going to that house was the worst part of my day because their presence was unexpected. Even though its November and they should be out of state I never knew which was learned the hard way.
    Flashback: I was laughing with my best friend Heaven as Xavier my next door neighbor was chasing me. Giggling I said, "Boy are you having trouble catching me you seem a little outta breath."
     "Yeah he sure is breathing extra heavy there " Heaven cosigned. We both laughed and began skipping instead of running. Suddenly, it felt like everything stopped. The wind, sun, laughter, tinkling of the chimes,lawn mower, everything came to a halt.
   "M-marshia look up" Heaven whispered.  There standing directly behind Xavier was none other than Cynthia my grandmother . Her face marred by a permanent look of hate her crooked finger slowly beckoned me towards and unwillingly my feet started in her direction . She gripped my shoulder tightly and steered me in the direction of my Victorian styled hell. Not before turning around and stating
   " Go home and write a letter apologizing to your parents for your actions you heathens now." I stood shocked not believing my ears . She didn't even know these kids .

   "And you get in the house immediately "she spat.  I rushed inside terrified running up the stairs . The front door slammed and the stairs creaked as I held my breath. A cold hand wrapped around my throat trapping my scream . An enraged Cynthia face twisted in such anger dragged my 8 year old body down the stairs and placed me in front of the basement door.
   "Open it" she demanded. I slowly turned my stomach sinking with dread. It was dark, cold, and unforgiving . My body tensed as she placed her hand on the small of my back .
     "Go". She ordered.
   " N-nana p-p-pleasee I  d-don't wanna" I begged.
  " What did I tell you about calling me that?" she asked. I turned
"I'm sorry Na-Cynthia but please" I begged. And with that her sinister
grin was the last  I saw before I was catapulted down the stairs engulfed in the darkness I'd associated with the unknown.  I shrieked
   "Nana please I'm sorry please please lemme out" I cried.  My cries were met with  shrill laughter then silence .

   I snapped out of that wonderful memory rubbing one of ny arms  wincing remembering how both of them were broken as I limped towards the front steps. Before I could put my key in the lock the door opened and there stood someone I'd  thought I would never see .

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