chapter 1

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left behind-
Bella's POV:
I remember him holding my hand as we walked through the woods after dark. We snuck out that night because we thought it would be fun, but boy did we get in so much trouble the next day. I laugh at the thought of us being stupid. As I'm staring off into space I see a group of girls going wild. I knew why they were all being so loud. It was because of him. He had forgotten about me, not completely but I was the last thing he ever thought about. He was my best friend, the person I loved dearly. But after he got a glimpse of fame, it was like he was a different person.
He is a different person.
His name? Rolf Jacob Sartorius.
He became famous pretty quickly. The likes and comment grew rapidly day by day. And then, I was left behind.

As I sat in class, I could help but watch the clock, counting down the seconds until I could go home. I tuned everyone out, even the teachers on most days. Surprisingly, I have an A-B average. The bell finally rung and everyone disappeared from the classroom. I walked to my locker and grabbed my book bag and soon I started to walk home.
"Hey Bella, wait up!" A groggy voice calls out
I instantly turned around to see who it was. As I turn, a smile forms on my face, it was Blake.
(a/n: let's pretend all of the famous musers/magcon people all live near each other okay?)
Blake had helped me when I was depressed after Jacob left me. He had quickly became one of my other best friends.
"Hey Blake!" I replied back.
"Hey, so I was wondering if you wanted to come over tonight, everyone is coming just to hang out and yes, before you ask, he is coming. And before you say no, you're coming to I was just telling you. But don't worry I'll be right by your side every minute." He spits out.
I look at him with a worried look but soon agree and we both go our separate ways.
I guess I'll be running into him tonight whether I like it or not.

/okay so this is SUPER short I know but I'm so happy to be back here! I love y'all/
•ps: if you want to be anyone's gf just dm me and ask, I'll say yes to everyone unless they're already taken•
•pps: longer chapters will be uploaded this week because I'm still out of school all week so 😋•

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2017 ⏰

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