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"Hey! I was watching Once Upon a Time! What's your problem?" you complain, just after your laptop was snapped shut and you looked up to see that who did so was your best friend, Allie.

"Well, I'm sorry but I don't care. Shawn just made a snap of him in the mall nearby, and you are gonna help me go find him." She sighs dreamily, looking at nowhere in particular. "I can see it. Us falling madly in love and marrying, and having a bunch of little Allies and Shawns and-"

"If I go with you will you stop blabbering?" You cut her, annoyed already. Allie had this obsession with this Sean Mendez guy or whatever his name really was that you consider none other than unhealthy. However the guy and his music made her happy, so most of the time you tried your best to actually hear to her fangirling.

But today, you weren't really having it. It was Saturday and you had planned on spending the whole day locked up in your room, eating ice cream and binge watching OUAT.

"Yes miss! Now put on some decent clothing and let's go. I'm waiting in my car." She marches off your room, her honey coloured locks swishing from side do side as she left. As you sit up on your bed, you couldn't help but let out a huge sigh, which ended up blowing a strand of messy, uncombed hair out of your face. Apparently your Saturday plans were right out the window.

You go change out of your pajamas, which you still hadn't even though it was three in the afternoon, and slide on a pair of dark blue skinny jeans and a light pink tank top. After brushing your hair and applying perfume, you go straight to put on your white converses and leave your room, making sure not to forget your purse with your wallet and your phone.

You find your mum in the kitchen making a sandwich for what you guessed was for your little brother, who kept jumping up and down trying to see your mum from behind the kitchen's island.

"I'm going to the mall with Allie!" You announce, already at the door, knowing that she probably already knew it through Allie.

"Ok dear, have fun!" She shouts back.

You leave the house and walk over to the passenger's seat of Hailee's expensive car, and find her applying her lipstick, using the rearview mirror as a guide. Shawn's music was already blasting through the car's speakers as always, and as Hailee puts the lid back on her lipstick, you couldn't help but mouth the words along the song. You actually enjoyed his music, you just didn't dare admit it to Allie. If she knew her best friend liked Shawn's music, then she wouldn't ever talk about something else other than him.

Not that she didn't already.

She starts the car, and with not much enthusiasm you say, "Let's go meet Justin Bieber! Yay!"

"Don't. Compare. Shawn. To JB." She snaps, venom seeping through her words. You laugh at this, knowing just the perfect ways to annoy the hell out of your best friend. You actually hated it yourself whenever someone compared both of them, Shawn was so much better. But Allie's reactions were just priceless.

You finally get to the mall after a long car ride, and you let out a breath in relief that you were still alive as Allie briskly parked the car. You loved her like she was your sister, but you weren't afraid to admit: she was the worst driver ever. You honestly wondered every day how the hell she got her license.

Imagination - Shawn Mendes ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora