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Listen to "Lovestruck" by The Vamps for this imagine. My initial idea for this imagine was based on this song. Hope you enjoy!

Y/N - Your Name

"Thank you." You politely say, as Bianca, an employee of this place, handed you your cup of caramel macchiato with her signature smile. You smile back as you hold the warm cup, appreciating the cozy warmth that the coffee radiated in a cold morning like this one. You walk over to your usual table on the front of the shop, which was right underneath a tree that had beautiful flower blossoms adorning its branches.

It was Spring time, your second favourite season, (the first being Autumn) but it was chillier than usual. However you didn't mind. You loved this feeling that went through you as you felt the warmth of the cup spread onto your hands, and then how your whole body warmed up on the inside as you sipped your sweet drink. You just couldn't drink anything that has coffee without at least pouring a packet of sugar into it.

A chilly morning breeze blows gently against your face as you pull back the chair you always sit on every morning, the whole coffee shop being in the open, only a part being covered with a red and white striped awning. It was one of the many things you loved about this place. It had this picturesque feeling to it, that you felt like you were in a coffee shop in the streets of Paris, not in the way to your school, here in Pickering.

You take your backpack from your shoulders, and after taking your small sketchbook, your pencil case and earphones from it, you place it next to your feet.

You pull up your hair out of your face, making a knot with it at the top of your head so your hair won't block your vision, and plug in only one earphone, that one going into your right ear. You never knew why you just simply didn't put both earphones; it was just an habit of yours.

You continue the sketch you had started the previous day, one of a boy sitting down on a log by a bonfire, a guitar on his lap. The boy still didn't have any features on his face, and you didn't know where the inspiration came from. You just drew it, and went along with whatever your hand felt like drawing.

You let yourself get lost in your thoughts as you draw and listen to the song you were hearing to, humming along and singing lightly some parts. Suddenly you realize that you sang completely different words to the ones that Ed Sheeran sang into your right ear, and you couldn't help but chuckle. He was one of your favourite musicians, yet you were so bad with memorizing lyrics.

After some time of just hearing to music and drawing, you slightly tilt your phone to check the time, and your heart skips with anticipation as you realize that it shouldn't take much longer.

Now, with every few moments that passed by you looked up, waiting for what you always looked so forwards to in your mornings. Your whole life you hated to wake up early, but after one day having to wake up slightly early in order to finish off a homework, everything changed. You found motivation in waking up early, just to come here to this coffee shop and relax before having yet another stressful day of school.

Imagination - Shawn Mendes ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now