Chapter Twelve

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I woke up the next morning with the hut still empty. I really didn't get much sleep because I was stressing over emma last night. so now that its morning I sit up with my wraps covering my breast and all down my back. It still feels somewhat sore but, i've managed to move around, just slower.

I look around and notice my ruined shirt covered in blood so I quickly threw on the firerat kimono that Inuyasha put on me last night, slipped on my vans and tied my hair up, and grabbed my sword before I walked out of the door.

The sun blared in my eyes for a moment but then adjusted quickly. I looked around to see the village full of life. farmers working the lands, some men were building a house for the new couple that was just married. I smiled at that. I glanced around more and saw that Songo was doing house chores while shippo and koga played with her kids. I smiled softer then turned up to start heading towards a spot I wanted to go to, sometimes for thinking.

" Ah, it's kind of peaceful out here." I sighed with relief.

My thoughts started to slowly pick up as I thought about Emma.

" I'm really going to have to fight the person I used to call a friend aren't I..."

I pulled the sword out of its sheath and looked into it with my reflection. I could tell I was terrified just by the way I looked.

" Oh kikyo......what am I going to do?"


I glanced around and saw no one. " But fighting will just make things if something happens to me-"

become stronger

I started to get creeped out. " Well. okay then...."

" Hm, it's interesting seeing you around here Kagome."

I glance up to see that it's Taiyo. " Hi. What are you doing around here?"

" Waiting for Inuyasha to come. You see I'm training him on how to do in contact defense."

I nod slowly. " I didn't know he would have the patience."

" Well ever since you've been back he's focused more and more." he rubs the back of his head.

" I see."

Quickly I stand up realizing what to do. Thanks Kikyo! I glance at the man.

" Please! Train me on using a sword with my spirtual powers!" I kneel down on all fours.

He stares at me surprised. " What? but.....well....I don't know if Inuyasha will-"

I stare up at him. " He won't have to know, just between you and I alright?!"

" That sounds gusty...Sure. Lets start now."

I stare at him wide eyed. " What? now?"

" Yes. What better time then now?.......okay so to begin, I wan't you to close your eyes, trying and clear you mind and soul."

I stare at him. " Are you kidding me!"

" No I'm not, just do it."

I roll my eyes. " Fine." As I started to clear my thoughts they started to go away, I focused on my breathing, which made me calm down.

" Alright, now I want you to focus on your soul-"

" Which I'm guessing is this warm feeling I'm getting?" I questioned.

" Yes. Anyways, focus on that feeling and you'll feel it get warmer, which means your building up your soul strength."

As I focused I felt more warmth like he said.

" Alright good. Now lets start by channeling it towards hikari."

I nod and then started to grip onto the sword.

Slowly it started to heat up in my hands until it was warm at my touch. I opened my eyes and I could tell my soul was in control when my body was glowing and so was the sword. So bright and Pink.

I smiled and started to laugh out of enjoyment.

" I-I can't believe it! I'm actually doing it!"

" That's it! keep  up what your doing and you could keep it like that for a while."

slowly I come out of it relaxing.

" Alright, well how about we do some combat drills, your soul will sort of take over in the battle you'll go into so be prepared for that."

I nod in the stance. He holds out his sword and then nods. " NOW!" Both of us run to attack at each other.

I jump over his blade that tries to hit my legs. Quickly bringing down my sword with a tight grip and clash into his sword. He pushes me back and I land on my butt.

He goes to attack and that's when I covered my face.

" Kagome, what's wrong? why aren't you defending yourself with your sword?"

" Because I'm scared. I don't want to kill her.....I can't even if I wanted to."

Suddenly he picks me up and hits me on top of the head.

" OW!"

" Kagome, don't give up on your life! yours is precious and many people care about it! I wan't you to fight to live with all you have in you! understand!"

I nod slowly.

" Now get up and fight me! we won't stop until you have me on the ground."

I nod and get up, step into stance and we start at it once more. This went on for three straight hours, as soon as it got late Inuyasha found us and decided to watch.

I started to get really tired and couldn't keep up as much but I knew I had to do this for my own good.

Finally when he went in to strike me I griped my sword like a bat and swung at his sword which flew out of his hands and landed in the ground away from him. I tripped him and pinned the sword at his heart, both of us breathing heavily, he stared at me shocked and I just glared at him. Inuyasha stood up surprised.

I slowly sheathed my sword and walked away exhausted.

" Good Job Kagome!"

I raised my hand and kept on walking, Inuyasha met me half way and walked with me back to the village. It was around dinner time.

That night I still had so much exhilaration. But when I closed my eyes.......I started dreaming of bad things....horrible images of Emma going through my mind that I was so scared. I woke up at five in the morning drenched in sweat and breathing hard with tears stinging my eyes.

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