Chapter 4: The Fourth Phase

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After the twenty-seven who passed reached the tower's base, we were all sent back outside. We found ourselves in a big forest, and I noticed inmeaditely that we were near the sea, near an island.
Then a man with giant glasses and a pink mohawk came. I assume that's Lippo.

"Ladies and gentlemen, congratulations for passing the Third Phase of the Hunter Exam." He said. "There are only two phases left."

Yep. It's Lippo alright, same weird voice.

"Two more..." The man I recognized as Hanzo muttered.

Then Lippo pointed to the small island behind him. "The Fourth Phase will take place there, at Zevil Island." He said and snapped his fingers. An assistant walked near him pushing a cart. "I need you to draw lots."

Why? OoOh...I think I get it...

The applicants started to whisper.

"Lots?" One repeated.

"For what?" Another one asked. I think his name is Pokkle.

"To determine who'll hunt and who'll be hunted." Lippo said as he pointed to the box on the cart. "In here, there are twenty-seven cards. In other words, your ID numbers are on this cards."

Okaaay...we may have to fight each other....or...take your target's ID tag..
I stood with my arms crossed as all of us listened to Lippo. Suddenly, I got a strange feeling, as if someone was stalking me. What the..? I looked over my shoulder and saw #10 staring at me.
His hair was red and his eyes brown, and his skin was very pale. He wore a black leather jacket and pants, and he...kinda seemed familiar.

I narrowed my eyes, and focused on Lippo again, trying to ignore Matsuoka's stare. What the hell..? Why is he staring at me?

"Now I need you each to draw a card, by the order in which you exited the tower." Lippo said. "So will the first person come forward?"

People looked around and saw Hisoka walking forward and drawing a card, then going back to the crowd. The next one was the guy with nails stuck in his head and a weird green suit. Then it was Matsuoka's turn. Then Hanzo's and so on.
While waiting for our turn Killua and I heard Gon speak. "Hey, Killua, (Y/N)?"


"Hmm?" Kill and I asked in unison, as we both looked at Gon.

"When he said: 'To determine who'll hunt and who'll be hunted' does that mean we have to fight each other?" Gon asked.
Hmm...I don't think so...

"Probably..." Killua said, moving forward as our turn finally arrived, he drew a card and then came back. My turn!

"I wouldn't say that. I don't think we'll have to fight each other..." I said smiling, as I stepped forward and drew a card.
Eh? I looked at the card, noticing it was covered by a seal. I hummed in curiosity, walking back to Kill and Gon.

After the last applicant drew his card, Lippo spoke. "Has everyone drawn a card?" No one answered, so he took it as a yes. "Then remove the seal."

Okay. I slipped the seal off, revealing a number.
Huh? Isn't that the ID number of one of the Umori brothers?

"That number is your target's." Lippo stated. OoOoOhh! I turned to look at the brothers, but everybody had already hid their ID number tags and started whispering nonsense.
Damn. Well, this is gonna be a piece of cake.

"This box has recorded every card you each drew, so you're free to dispose of your card if you want to." Lippo said, pointing to the box. "The objective is to steal your target's plate number tag."

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