Transfer student...

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Today was the day we return to school. In my class I saw this girl, it seem like she got hurt from someone. Even through we the same I never did talk to her. Out of no where I think I saw her some where like in my dream maybe. In my class there like a lot of couple and they disgust me so much. First they were so happy that someone had ask them out and they just cant stop talking about and than the next day they come to class sometime crying just because they broke up.  During my third blocks we have a new transfer student. They seem okay I would say. After class they took me and Elda to a very odds neighbor, there broken glass every where there foggy almost every where. After that they start to ask us question like do you know anything what had happen in the past 100 years. We don't know what to answer. But than suddenly I remember something long time ago. Something had happen to me in the past it was a very tough situation, it still make my heart aches, it make me very very sad, it very painful, it heart a lot too when I lost something so dearly. But am searching for the person just for me, someone to love me because I am myself. I wonder to my self what is this about, isn't it a poem or something.    

  The memory that I remember I don't want to mention in the conversation. Because that memory is way to painful, what? the thought of love? I was searching for someone? I  hate love..... Love always bring pain within your heart and there no medicine for it. You cant even fix a heart that once been shattered already. But than I have a feeling that those guy are the guy who force the knife in to this man heart. So I keep my distance, I try to sent a signal to Elda so that she would know what going on but she couldn't understand it. Some how I feel pain inside of my heart like they hurting someone that is might be my other half.... My twin his name is Hyun Dae-Ho. It hurt so bad when it happen, than I find out that the three transfer student is the hunter. They despised someone like us, they don't want anything that have to deal with us. We thought that there no way out until Elda remember that she have a twin sister and her name is Kobato. They two come together and combine there power together and had rescue us. When we left I was in a lot of pain I feel like I might about to die, neither of us know what to do. When we were on our way home three transfer student still chasing after us, I cant run faster because of the pain, it keep hurting like they case a spell on me. After a few while someone walk to me he was tall with long blue hair first I don't know who he is but than I saw that he bleeding in the same spot as me.....Than I realize that he is my brother. For the first time I have meet my twin brother I want to reach out my hand and give him a hug, telling him how much I miss him but I couldn't I cant move even in inch. He reach out his hand to me and he touch my hand that when I feel like my heart is healing. After an hour later both of our heart is healing.  

   After that fight was over, there something inside me make me hate human even more, what have my family done to them that they have to come after my family.....  

People still hate us, they don't even want to talk to us. They even forbidden there love for someone like us. Today is just like any other days in school except now I have my brother and sister with me. What ever happen we always got each other back. I'm different from my usual self now my eyes change color, almost everything change I look exact like my brother except that am a girl. It time for us to go home this is when I see this guy, it seems like he just move into the town. My heart started to beat for the first time. I think to my self what happen to me have I fall in love with a mere human. It cant be I promise myself that I would never ever fall in love with a human. The next morning during our first block the teacher introduce us to the new student.. But the new student was him, my heart stop right there when I see him. His name is Hyun-Ki Sung. I cant keep my eyes always from him, and I been wonder is this what it mean when I remember what I had say in the past "Long time ago something had happen to me in the past it was a very tough situation, it still make my heart aches, it make me very very sad, it very painful, it heart a lot too when I lost something so dearly. But am searching for the person just for me, someone to love me because I am myself. "  

Every time when I see him I just cant help it but I just want to walk up to him and say "I LOVE YOU!" But if I say it does it mean I really meant it I don't know but I just forget it. But on that day am glade that I didn't confess to him. I just found out that he my enemies and his father is the one that stabs my I cant believe it, now I think love is the scariest thing for them all. But even through we enemies I still love him, than one day he walk up to me, but I grab him and threw him over my shoulder because i thought he was someone else. "I'm so sorry. I thought that you someone who about to attack me." I said " Oh that okay but... Uhm.." he said. But I don't know what to do. I love him to, how can I be with someone who father stab my father. I just don't know what to do... I just want to forget about it but I cant...I want to be my old self a person who always lonely, and treated as she invisible but that couldn't happen because that is the past and now is the present.....   

 Than I remember that my father is like my everything to me..... I always with him when I was little I love him so much. So finally I gathered all my courage and tell him. "Hi.. sorry I cant accept your love either you cant accept my love, we enemies and well always be enemies even if we were to be reborn we still gonna be enemies." I said "What does that matter. I would do anything for you even if I have to die." he said "It just cant happen our love cant exist in this world. I don't want either of us  to be in more danger just because of our love  and please forgive me... and one more thing I would always love you until my death but we cant have our love exist outside but only in our heart." I said. When he left I wanted to chase after him but stop, I couldn't do anything. My tear running down my face, so I say to my self "Is this how it feel with you fall in love with a mere human...Especially when he is you enemies." 

    Right after I finish crying I told my Self I hate love, I would never ever fall in ever again even if it going to cause me my life. I would just going to be happy for other who had falling in love.   

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