Small World

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Fate for most people is feared due to the pure concept of an event being out of an individual's control. Not having control of their life in various aspects such as life and death, love and hate, success or failure.
However there are others that anticipate their future endeavors, who long for change in routine and who constantly think of a different fate they might have.
Change in fate is delivered through many routes, an obvious factor is human interaction, developing relationships, whether that may be platonic or romantic. Relationships change an individual's state of mind and allow them to view the world through a different perspective. A new relationship has the potential of changing an individual's thoughts and can provide a sense of hope and aspiration.

Ashley had tried to numb the voice at the back of her mind to call and check up on her mother.
Ashley sunk further into the blue velvet couch while she drowned her thoughts with a small cup of scotch. Jackson stared at her from across the coffee table trying to think of something intelligent to say that wouldn't upset Ashley.
"I've had enough to drink." He said as he reached over the coffee table and gently but assertively took away the glass from Ashley's grasp.
"You're going around the circle again, trying to drown your thoughts and pain. But this...this alcohol will do nothing for you, your only damaging yourself and confusing yourself. Listen. Listen. Ashley you are allowed to feel pain and anger it's part of being human. If you don't experience those emotions your decisions will become irrational and they will affect all your relationships" Jackson paused briefly, " including our relationship and your relationship with Matt, your son. He...he depends on you, you're his role model. Please stop. If not for me at least for your son" Jackson notified Ashley of the repercussions of her habit of dulling her emotions by drinking, which realistically did nothing but just leave her with a terrible hangover the next day.

"Jackson. Oh Jackson. The love of my life. Why don't you see it, my own mother doesn't love or respect me enough to tell me where the hell she went. I'm ...I'm worried about her Jackson" Ashley felt a weight lifted off her chest at her truthful comment, as she rarely displayed any feelings towards her mother.
Jackson made his way to Ashley embracing her not romantically but as an act of reassurance. To remind Ashley that when he slipped that ring on her finger it mean more that just spending eternity together. It was symbolic of them sharing each other's pain and carrying each others burden no matter the enormity of it.
Ashely twisted her ring reminding her that's she wasn't ever alone. She had a loving partner and a son who slept peacefully in his cot. She wanted a better life for her son, but her goal felt as if it was getting further everyday.
"Jackson I'm so grateful for you, you have no idea. You're committed relationship reminds me that life may get better. You have always been there for me and I'm so happy to have you here. I'm sorry that I don't tell you enough" Ashley expressed truthfully, which made Jackson cuddle her closer.
Their relationship was complicated to say the least, their parents had come from similar walks of life, giving them a stronger and effortless connection.
Ashley regularly recollects the day she met Jackson, when she was a young teenager and it was pure chance that brought them together, but the connection was immediate. Beginning with their parallel upbringings, from being primarily raised by numerous nannies to their mother's keeping them from the outside world, to limit interaction.

Nonetheless, Jennifer had regularly held parties at her house for her fellow 'colleagues' in the adult industry. Ashley had met Jackson's mother Margaret on various occasions and her repetitive comment made was, "Next time I'll bring my boy, I'm sure he'd love to come"
Her promise was declared year after year but it was never carried through, making Ashley instinctively disregard it and processed it as being a lie.
However after years of continuous nagging, Jackson eventually sought the much talked about annual party.

The house seemed secluded from the rest of the town, large pine trees surrounded the house, blocking the view from all bypasses. When the driver finally slowed the car at the hidden 2 storey mansion, Jackson was in shock, he didn't expect a single mother with such a profession to be living with luxury and class. He began to question why this Jennifer woman would still be in the disgraced adult industry if she was living comfortably in a house which is above and beyond.
From the outside, the house looked impressive, it had been built with brown stones which was decorated with white brick. The roof was high and slanted to one side, covered with red roof tiles.
Jackson's eyes followed the mansion's large arched French shutters which had been added to the house in a fairly asymmetrical pattern.
His attention was diverted to the impressive fountain which added history to the slightly modernized exterior. The fountain had four tiers and rounded in shape made from pure stone which was evidently inspired by the Greek architecture.
The architecture was picturesque which fascinated Jackson leaving him in awe.
The house was introduced by a grass-filled courtyard that surrounded the fountain. A large variety of flower species decorated the yard making the place look more inviting and less intimidating.
Jackson exited the car, staring at his reflection on the window, he buttoned his navy Charles Tyrwhitt blazer, fiddled with his grey scarf to look somewhat presentable. After taking a deep breath, the smell of the pine trees fused with the spring flowers in the yard calmed his nerves, he then made his way towards the house carrying a box of fresh macaroons.
From the other side of the front door he could hear faint yet audible music, he hesitated for a moment before he grabbed the rustic lion-faced door knocker, slamming it three times.
As the 10-foot door began opening, Jackson could feel the booming music shaking his bones, felt more like a club than a sophisticated party he thought.
He was surprised to be greeted by a familiar face, Margaret.
"Jackson Henloke, my baby boy, you cleaned up real nice. Oh mummy's so proud!" Margaret exclaimed while squeezing his natural sunken in cheeks.
"Hi. Mum...Margaret. You look beautiful" Jackson stated blankly.
"Oh cheer up baby, it's a party. Come and meet Jennifer. She's in the kitchen" Margaret made her way towards the kitchen.
As they made their way across the foyer and down the hall, the blasting music grew louder irritating Jackson's usual state of silence. The kitchen seemed outdated nevertheless still stunning, a beautiful older woman stood at the kitchen island preparing snacks to entertain the guests.
Her long fiery red hair hung past her waist giving her a more youthful appearance. Her unnatural hour glass figure was accentuated by the black thigh-length body con dress, revealing her long freshly tanned legs.
"Jennifer! Look who it is!" Margaret excitedly shrieked over the music.
Jackson placed the box of macaroons on the bench and reached his hand out to politely greet the hostess which she happily reciprocated.
"Jackson! Wow you look like your mother! I haven't seen you since you in 18 years, since you were born. Did you know I helped your mum deliver you? Wow you are a handsome fellow aye!" Jennifer unintentionally said flirtatiously.
"Thank you Miss Badon. You look great yourself" Jackson replied with a small smile.
"Well I hope to see you more often, anyways you have fun at the party, I need to feed my guests" she cheerfully remarked as she walked around the corner to the source of the music and Margaret followed.
Jackson stood awkwardly in the kitchen, not knowing what to do. Maybe a nice quiet place in this mansion away from the dance floor he thought, Jackson retraced his way back to the foyer in order to find a quiet place. He continued to walk up the hallway past the foyer, where he discovered a spacious lounging area, furnished with items of apparent luxury. He sat on the lounge closest to the entrance of the room to take in the grandness of the area.
Two blue velvet lounges were placed on either sides of the glass coffee table, a polished white fireplace was perpendicular to the glass table with two white ottmans placed adjacent to it. Large French shutters looking onto the courtyard decorated the wall bringing natural light and reflecting off the antique rectangular mirror across the room, making the room appear larger. The high ceilings were centred by the large lavish chandelier creating an opulent atmosphere.
Jackson was stunned at the elegant room, his deep interest in architecture made him more appreciative of the complex design displayed throughout the house.
"I didn't know the party was here" a new voice stated, surprising Jackson leaving his cheeks slightly flushed.
He diverted his attention to the entrance of the room where a girl a few years younger, stood confidently. Her warm caramel eyes danced playfully, her perfectly pout lips smirked and one eyebrow was raised as if to question Jackson's presence in an empty lounge room, away from the party.
"Umm...yeah I was just looking at...umm..." Jackson stuttered in embarrassment, his face reddened further.
"Nah! I'm just kidding, I come here when the parties are on. They are not my kinda thing" she answered with a warm smile.
"Oh yeah. Same, I just needed to get away from the loud music" he replied back with a smile.
The mysterious girl entered the room and sat on the lounge across Jackson.
She wore an elegant black flowy dress, the bottom hem and sleeves were 3/4 in length, she dressed the  simple outfit with a thin floral metallic belt. Her chestnut hair was pulled back into a messy bun leaving her fringe to fall over her cheeks. She was naturally beautiful, her endearing smile, made her likable to everyone.
"So, I've never seen you before. Are you here with someone, or did someone seduce you?" She questioned with a giggle.
"Well my mum comes here and she's been begging me for over 5 years. I thought I'd better come before my ears start bleeding from her constant complaining of my laziness and anti-social nature. You know how mums are." He harshly said, giving off the impression of a distant relationship with his mother.
The girl checked her phone, smiled kindly and signalled for them to leave the room.
"Ashley!!" Screamed a voice coming from down the hall.
"Aggghhh." The girl groaned, picking up the pace. "I'm coming!"
As they began walking back down the hall, the sound of the music seemed to have stopped, the party had been coming to an end.

Jackson trailed behind, taking his time.
When they reached the kitchen, Jennifer and Margaret were around the kitchen island clearing the snacks and emptying the drinks from the numerous cups that covered the island.
"Ashley, could you put the things in the dishwasher, please" Jennifer asked without looking up.
"Yeah sure, so party stopped early. That's a surprise" the girl, Ashley, stated dryly.
"I need to go to the bathroom. Where is it Jennifer?" Jackson asked.
"It's down the hall the first door past the lounge room" directed Jennifer.
The three ladies in the kitchen continued talking and Jackson could hear a few laughs from down the hall.

On his way back, Jackson saw his mother and Jennifer talking in the foyer, saying their goodbyes.
"So I'm guessing I'll see you again. Maybe next year at the party?" suggested Ashley.
"You never know maybe earlier" Jackson replied smartly.
"I'm Ashley by the way" she held our her hand to which Jackson happily shook.
"Jackson. I'm...umm...Margaret's son" pointing to his mother.
"I figured you look like her, and she's told me about you. For years actually, I was starting to doubt her." Ashley grinned. "That's my mum, Jennifer" her smile faded and her brows furrowed.
Ashley and Jackson looked into each other's eyes, not because of the slight attraction between them, but because they sympathised with each other.
They both came from troubling upbringings. They had mothers that were prostitutes and they felt ashamed. They both tried to be their individual self, to be independent and disassociated with their mother's lives. It was difficult but that's what drew them together, their wanting a better life.
"Jackson, the driver is here." Margaret interrupted.
"I'm sure we will see each other sooner than expected." Ashley said with a sad smile.
"Yeah. Me too. I'll see you around. Bye Ashley."
"Bye Jackson."

I hope you enjoyed this chapter.
Did y'all like the flashback?
I hoping to do more to develop the characters further etc.
So what do you think of Ashley and Jackson??!!!
I'm sure everyone will love them...they are just adorable :)

Tell me what you think in the comments.

XoXo Khadija

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