Chapter 4.

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Jj's POV:

"You do know that when we get back the team will be asking questions?" I told Aaron.

"Especially Emily" Aaron said to me.

"Babe what did you do this time?" I was worried as to why he mentioned my best friend.

"Well because when you left I came out to follow you and she asked why you ran out crying and I just told them to get back to work" he breathed out scared at what I would say.

"Well I think we should just tell them now....I mean this little guy isn't gonna stay hidden for long" I stated so he knew I wasn't scared.

"We could loose our jobs" Aaron announced then he thought some "or a good friend of ours THE David Rossi can simply tell Erin and there's nothing she can do about it considering they have been breaking the no fratonization rule for quite a while" he added on.

"Perfect now let's go tell them I can't lies to my best friends any longer" we stood up and Aaron leaned in to kiss me on the lips as he squeezed my ass a little while doing it.

"Come on" I teased as I walked to my car swinging my hips more that usual, he got in his car and drove back to the BAU as I got in mine and drove back.

We got on the elevator and entwined our hands together as we walked into the bullpen.

Everyone on the team looked at us confused except Emily.

"Guys we just wanna let you know that we are together" Aaron announced proud.

"And I'm pregnant!" I told everyone, everyone was so happy and they congratulated us.

"Quick question Em when we walked in you were the only one that wasn't confused if us holding hands, why?" I smiled at her.

"Come on, Jayge, you can't hide anything from me I'm your best friend!" Emily said proudly to the group.

I just looked at Aaron and smiled as he pulled me close to his side and laughed at Emily and I.

Hotch gave us the rest of the day off, so he and I orded take out and bought a baby book to go over some names we came up with three girls:
1. Zoe Elizabeth Hotchner.
2. Emily-Josaline Jennifer Hotchner.
And two boys names:
1. Riley Jordan Hotchner.
2. Spencer-Levi Aaron Hotchner.

We both decided and agreed not to tell anyone the names that we had chosen for the possibilities.

Hope you liked it,

KeepTalkingZoe Out🌻

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