Chapter 1. |Tough|

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Jessica Rose.. She's giving birth to her baby, it's a girl.

Her other daughter.. Which is 10 is in the room, staring with wide eyes.

Jessica delivers her baby, She's stared at in awe until they take her away to get cleaned

Jane. Her 10 year old, stared at her in awe then thinks about how nasty watching that was.

They name her "Jazmin" that's what her dad wanted, unfortunately he couldn't make it.

Jesse Millan. He was in San Francisco. Why? Because he was hiding. From who? Cops. He wasn't exactly an ordinary dad, He was sneaky and slick. Always doing bad things.

Once he got caught and did his time.. Jazmin was already growing up.

At age three Jessica, Jane and, Jazmin lived in an apartment in El Centro.

Jazmin met her dad and enjoyed him so much, He stopped doing bad things and settled down with a women named Zayra Pinzon. He had kids with her, Charles, Sara, Jenelle.

Charles was the oldest, Jenelle was the middle child, Sara was the youngest one.

Jazmin has a brother, She hasn't met him yet, Her father had him with someone different from Zayra. Her name was Susan.

His names Raul, Everyone calls him Raulito. He also lived with Zayra and his sisters.

Unfortunately, They killed his mom. He watched it happen, He went through therapy and was never the same again. They never spoke about it.

Jesse left them and moved to San Diego. His son Raulito went to live in El Centro with Jesse's mother Gloria Gonzalez.

That's when Eduardo a family friend and Jessica were in a car together, Cops stopped them and Jazmin's mother happened to be in that car.

They inspected it, found drugs. Eduardo was sent to jail for three years and Jessica was sent to jail for two.

Before everything happened Gloria helped move their things into a storage and stopped renting the apartment they lived in.

Jane had moved to Calexico to live with Jessica's mother Erma.

Jessica left her 4 year old with Gloria told her she had to go to college

Jazmin was young and innocent didn't really know what was really going on.

The hardest thing to do as a 4 year old was say goodbye to your mother.

That's what Jazmin did.


She's maintaining it all good on the first day.. She's now gonna meet her big brother.

My grandma gently pushed me to a room, the door was closed but you could see the light under the door.

You could also hear video games being played.

She opened the door and I saw a neat room, Not much decorated.

Just a queen sized bed with a brown drawer and a square box tv on it

"Raul, This is your little sister. Jazmin." My grandma announced

He paused his game and slowly turned to me

"That's my sister? Little sister." He asks in shock

"Yes, Make her comfortable and your gonna use your own room now." She told him

My cheeks became hot. I squinted my eyes and covered my face.

"Why is she covering her face?" He asks

"She's nervous, Chicken head." My grandma answers

A small giggle escapes my lips

I removed my hands from my face and my big brother smiled at me.

I felt my grandmas presence behind me leave and I felt nervous again.

"So. You like video games?" He asks me

"Umm, Kind of." I answer putting my hands behind my back and squeezing them tightly together

"Come here." He tells me

"Okay." I choke up and walk slowly towards him

We were now face to face.

"You know, You kind of look like me." He tells me

I smile and he looks at me with pure admiration.

"Have you met our other sisters?" He asks me

"Other sisters?" I question

What other sisters?

"I only have one, Jane."

"I remember her, But we have more." He tells me

"Really? What are they like." I ask sitting on the bed next to him

"There nice, Annoying too." He chuckles

"Do they know me?" I ask and tilt my head a little

"Yes they do." He answers

I nod my head and look around the room

I miss my mommy.

"You okay?" He asks

"I miss my mommy." I frown, my eyes tearing up

"It'll be okay, Let's get you packed." He tells me

I nod and grab my suitcase and bags and place them on the bed

"You look tired, You should sleep." He tells me

"Okay.." I say

I covered myself in my pink fuzzy blanket

I wish mommy was here.

I started to cry.

I got out of my bed and wrapped my blanket around me

I walked to my brothers room and everything was dark

He had glow stars on his ceiling all you could hear was the fan

I climbed onto his bed and laid down by his side

He turned over and wrapped me in his blanket and put his arm over me

Best big brother.

Ups and downs during the book :/

Comment what you think, Should I continue this??

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2017 ⏰

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