Chapter 6

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Back at the camp, Amily finally had time to breath properly. She had come so close to killing Felix and a part of her was thrilled at the prospect of something wild yet fragile within her. Yet another part of her was scared at what she could become, what this island could turn her into.

Instead of thinking such morbid thoughts Amily focused on the Lost Boys. They danced wildly around the fire and made such ridiculous noises that she wondered why they weren't embarrassed.

"Wait" she thought to herself. "What's there to be embarrassed about? There's no one else around" Amily kept forgetting that this was her home now and that these boys, however strange they were, were now her family.

She never stopped to wonder if there was some possibility she could return home. After she'd had her fun, of course. Was she really going to remain young forever? Surely Pan would know of some way she could at least see her family.

"Something tells me you're not enjoying the celebration"

Pan was standing above her looking down with his fierce green eyes. He looked confused and almost hurt.

"You have a habit of that you know? As soon as I think about you, you turn up" She had this incredulous look on her face but then actually thought about what she had just said.

"Oh-I...I-um..." Amily stuttered. Pan raised one eyebrow.

"Thinking about me? What could you possibly be thinking?" He lowered his chin and looked at her evenly. Amily blushed.

"Nothing you'd actually benefit from" she said curtly but Pan just laughed.

"Why don't you join in?" he asked. Amily looked him amazed at how he could ask such a silly question.

"Because I would look like a fool!" she said as though it was obvious.

"Ah yes, but who could you possibly be foolish in front of?" 


Amily thought she would say it and reveal everything but instead kept it to herself. She thought for a second and then shook her head. Not as an answer to Pan's question but as a statement to herself.

Why did she always have to think things through enough that soon the very idea became tired? Her whole life was about thought and when she finally began to act she had come home to find her father dead. She was always over-analyzing and evaluating things and her brain had become tired of it. Why couldn't she just let go?

So that's exactly what Amily did.

Getting to her feet, to Pan's surprise, she bounced over and joined the circle of crazed boys. The Lost Boys danced with an energy made up of something Amily hadn't felt in awhile. Freedom. The air was thick with it.

When the boys had noticed that their newest member had joined the circle they hollered excitedly and started to dance faster. The dance wasn't that difficult to follow, you basically make it up as you go along. But Amily knew that this was the first time the Boys had danced with a girl before and they knew that too. Unsure at first then they soon became accustomed to it and it turned into a proper party.

Amily tried not to think of the boys as getting too 'grabby' but they sure wanted to test their new toy. She was spun this way and twirled that way, even lifted. Felix was joining in on the celebration too though he was a little more reserved. He danced for awhile before retreating to the sidelines to watch. Once again he had that same amused yet bitter look in his eyes.

Amily had never felt more alive. There was something about dancing so freely, like she was now, that dominated the senses and made her feel like she was flying. She finally felt like she had a place to belong.

The events of today put behind her,  Amily had no other direction to go but forward.  This was her new life!  Forgetting about her old life and the pain it caused her,  Amily finally started living.

The Piper Boy (A OUAT Fan Fiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang