part 12 messed up

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Elsa Pov.

I walked into school my hair was placed in a ponytail loose strands bascially everywhere. I was wearing a white romper with loose sleeves with tan sandals that had backings.

I could feel everyone's eyes on me but I kept walking. From all the change from Rapunzel and Merida I'm queen bee now. Not their nerdy side kick.

I opened my locked and shoved my other books in and started to take my other binder out. I felt a rough had that pulled me and slammed me up against a locker. It was Rapunzel.

She was wearing a black crop top with tight white shorts. Her hair was in loose boxer braids and her mascara was wild.

What the hell I screeched

It's your fault she yelled

Everybody stopped and looked at us. Jack came into the crowd.

Rapunzel smirked and punched me in the gut. I threw my books off and threw a punch. Fight Fight Fight yelled everyone.

She threw me down the ground. I kicked her legs making her fall onto her butt. I stood up and put my foot on her chest.

Back the hell off you can't win this I hissed

Bitch your a ducking Bith she hissed

Oh fuck off Rapunzel I snarled

Rapunzel growled and I pulled my foot off her. I took my leave and grabbed my books and headed to class. I was stopped my Jack.

Elsa are you okay he said

he pulled me into his arms. My heart raced.

I'..m..okay...I stammered

He moved the hair from my face.

Want to go out sometimes Tonight he asked

I was actually going to hang with my..uncle I said

oh right how about Saturday he asked

I shrugged. I looked down at my shoes. I focused on my white painted nails. I smiled to the memory of Hiccup going them for me.

Jack put his fingers at my chin so I could look up at him. My cheeks grew hot.

I don't know how my uncle will like that I mumbled

Oh...I'm fine meeting him if that what it takes said Jack

I giggled. Jack let out a chuckle.

You would meet my uncle..Jack your crazy I giggled

if I get a broken tooth it's fine worth a shot laughed Jack

I looked down the hall and Hiccup was in the doorway and looking at me. He then went back into his classroom.

I don't know I'll ask okay I have to go to class I said quickly

I pulled out of his arms and headed to Chemistry. I felt Jack's eyes on me. I cheeks grew super hot under his gaze.

I passed Hiccups door. he was teaching he looked out the door to me. I quickly looked away and headed to class.

I sat down in the back row. I groaned and sat next to Johnny and his another girlfriend Becca. She was on the right and I was to the right. Where the cabneits were. I rolled my eyes to the sound of Becca making soft whimpers. They could They could not keep their hands off each other.

I then felt Johnny place his hand behind my chair. He leaned in to my ear while Becca was talking to Ben asking him to do the homework for her.

You are looking great aren't you he said in my ear

I felt his warm lips hit the skin under my ear. I tensed up. He placed a hand on my chair again and his hand touched my shoulder.

Your so tensed loosen up he said under his breath

Johnny I swear to fucking god stop touching me I hissed lowly

Okay okay he said

He removed him self from me and went back to "play" with Becca. Throughout the room I notice that Rapunzel wasn't in her normal seat.

She was sitting next to Eric. A "bad boy" Seriously a druggy is that really what shes going for now. She was on the outside of the desk where the row walking through was and it was only her and him at a table.

From where I was sitting I could see his hand in her pants. and hers in his. I cringed in discust and watched the teacher.

Becca grabbed my hand and tightened her grip from across the long desk table. She bit her lips I raised an eyebrow.I looked over to her and Johnny. His face was between her legs under her short red skirt.

Becca moved to the seat next to me out of breath.

You should let Johnny handle you she whimpered in my ear lowly

Your kidding I muttered my eyebrow raised

Seriously he has his tongue basically in there urgh he keeps me from getting through this class without sleeping she giggled

Oh I'll think about it I said softly


I hate this class.

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