Visions and Anxiety

531 22 2

Tweedsmuir North Provincial Park, British Columbia, Canada

Flashes of curly red hair are twirling around a pale sparkling fire as a young dark hair woman looked blankly at her. The brunette eye's held no emotions as the soft clink of metal emerged behind her. Darkness descended for a few moments, but the sounds of metal tearing metal and screams echoed through the blackness. A flicker of light came into view as well as the dark haired girl laughing maniacally in front of a fire. The girl looked down, and a violent shudder escaped her tiny body. Kneeling to the ground, the girl cried uncontrollably with one hand gripping her head, one hand holding her stomach, and her heels rocking herself back in forth. Heartbreakingly she stared into the void of darkness teary-eyed for five minutes before slowly her eyes turned expressionless again. The girl stood up finally and walked through a misty forest. As she emerged, blood spattered around the trees and dead bodies laid on the ground. A man with dirty blonde hair and blue eyes beckoned her to his side with a sinister smile. Another woman, with light brown hair, smiled encouragingly at the man's side as she glimmered in the sunlight. The girl walked forward as a twisted smile took form.

"Bella!" Alice shouted as her mind came back to reality. She had been hunting a delicious looking grizzly bear when the vision hit her suddenly. She had not had a vision of Bella in 9 months. Alice tried her hardest to stay away from looking into Bella's future. The last time Alice had seen a vision of Bella, the girl was devastated by their sudden abandonment. Alice had watched her best friend scream and cry then suddenly, nothing. Not a glimpse or glimmer of Isabella Swan's future for months.  Alice shook off the ideas roaming in her mind about Bella's lack of emotional state and opened her eyes.

Jasper stood in front of her waiting patiently, but she could also hear the others running towards them. "Are you ok?" Jasper asked as he put a gentle arm around her.

"Alice! Did you have a vision of Bella!?" Emmett boomed as he came bounding forward with Rosalie right behind him.

Edward, Carlisle, and Esme appeared seconds after and Alice looked around at their expectant faces.

"I did. I think Bella destro..."

"Not by herself she couldn't!" Edward screamed. "This is a sign that we should find her and protect her." Edward looked at everyone beggingly.

"Edward no. Stop." Alice put a comforting hand on his forearm and looked at him gently. "She's not ready for us to come back besides, you didn't see the rest of the vision."

"What is it, Alice?" Carlisle asked.  Alice recollected the details of the images to her family and watched as the shock crossed all their features.

"How could she destroy Victoria?" Carlisle was the first to find his voice.

"I don't know, but those dead brown eyes scare me. Bella looked so cold but then so broken for a brief moment." Alice shuddered as she recalled the broken look of Bella rocking back and forth on her haunches as she cried.

"We should go back to Forks and see how she is." Edward pressed again.

"No! Charlie will destroy us!" Rosalie harshly reminded her vampire brother. "I say you leave them alone! Let them have a normal HUMAN life!"

"But I love her!" Edward cried out as he clutched at his chest.

"I can't see Charlie and Isabella's futures. I haven't been able to since we left." Alice confessed.

"How is this possible?" Edward wondered aloud.

"I don't know, but I think if we stick to the woods, we may be able to check on them in Forks safely without exposing ourselves." Carlisle mused.

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