Chapter Two

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"So, how was you're first day?" Zack asked, his arm still hung around my shoulders.  It was strange because even though it was the end of the day and everyone was flooding out, there were still a great number of kids wondering the hallways and everyone was watching us.  I wasn't used to this, but I guess it's big news to a school who's interested in their social environment.  Nicki referred to me as the new queen since I was now dating the most popular guy in the school.

"Weird," I shook my head. 

"What do you mean?" Zack asked as we walked through the school's backdoor's that leaded to the parking lot.  Since I was now dating him, he always picked up to and from school.  I admit, it's nicer than walking.

"More people are interested in me now, for one," I hinted at a joke, but Zack only smiled sympathetically.

"I'm sorry," he said, knowing I didn't really like attention; not this kind, anyways. 

"It's not you're fault," I lied.  It really was, for being so popular, but I guess that sort of thing can't be helped when you're a star quarterback.

"Yeah, but still." We both got into his car and he started it up.  On top of being well-known and loved by everyone, Zack also came from a family that made good money.  He wasn't necessarily rich, but he was definitely far from poor too; his new 2012 Jeep showing that.

"And did you rock your school day?" I asked him, sitting back in the car seat.  He backed out of his parking space and started heading towards my house.  I didn't live far away from the school, like I said I used to walk to school everyday.  It was only about two blocks away, which is why I always told Zack he didn't have to drive me - since it was out of his way - but he insisted.

"Eh.." He shrugged his shoulders.  "It was okay.  It was nice to see the guys again, but it kind of sucks that I don't have any classes with you."

"You're such a cheese-ball," I teased.  "At least we have lunch together." I felt a pang in my chest at that.  I really did like Zack, I just hated the groups he hung out with.  That being said, we had to sit with them at lunch.  Well, I guess I could be able to convince Zack to sit somewhere else with me, but honestly that wouldn't be fair of me.

"What are you up to today?" Zack asked as he pulled into my drive-way.

"Not sure, yet.  Why, what's up?" I asked, unbuckling my seat-belt and holding onto the door handle.

"There's a party tonight and wasn't sure if you wanted to go." He winked.

"I don't know..." I trailed off.  Yeah, I liked parties, but no I didn't like these kinds of parties.  I loved to jump around and just have fun, but at the parties anyone from my school has it's too clique-y.  You can't just hop around have fun, you have to stay with your group and God forbid you talk to anyone else.

"Come on, it'll be fun." Zack reached for my hand, holding onto it.  "Please?"

I let out a sigh.  Even I wasn't irresistible to Zack's charm.  "Okay, fine."

"Sweet!" A smile instantly brightened on his face.  "I'll pick you up at eight, deal?"

"Got it," I said, opening the car door as he let go of my  hand.  "See you later."

With that, he drove off leaving me to dread over what was going to be tonight.  I silently cursed myself for agreeing to that and turned towards my house, walking up the rest of the drive-way and up the front-porch stairs.  My house wan't too bad, it was actually really classy considering my dad didn't work the best job to support us.  But I still loved this house, even though we've only lived in it for about five years. 

It was a one story, but the attic was fixed up so it felt like a two-story.  The front door walked into the living room, but it was an open room straight to the kitchen.  There was a hall way straight to the left next to the front door that led to the only bathroom in the house and my dad's room.  My room was upstairs; the entire attic.

"I'm home," I called out, even though I knew my dad wasn't home.  It wasn't for him to hear, anyways, because as soon as I said that I heard a distant jingle and here came running Jay, my cat.

"Baby boy!" I shouted enthusiastically, dropping my bag and reaching down to pick him up.  He instantly started purring as I rubbed under his chin.  "Glad you're having a good day," I said, chuckling at his deep purr.  I walked over towards the kitchen, setting Jay down on one of the counters and grabbing a bag of chips.  I had the worst diet in the world, and my dad always tells me that as soon as I hit twenty-five I'm going to gang all the weight I'm supposed to be gaining right now from eating all of this junk.

"Well, Jay, I'm in a bit of a pickle...I have to go to a party tonight." I shook my head, reaching into the bag for another chip.  Jay starred up at me with wide eyes, begging for a chip.  It didn't make sense, Jay was almost like a dog.  Whatever I was eating he wanted too, and he would eat it. 

I put a small chip next to his paws and he started licking at it.  "God knows I'm going to have to talk to Nicki and Kara again." I rolled my eyes.  "Kellin will probably be there too." I let out a groan, sitting down on the floor. 

Jay finished the chip he was eating and hopped down next to me, curling into my lap.  I let my hand lay on his back.  I know Jay couldn't understand a word I was saying, but it was nice to vent to him, and sometimes it felt like he understood me better than anyone else I know.

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