We are Back

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A/N: Thank you for the title


Indonesia's POV

After Philippines got ready, we all went out of the house and we were greeted by Mindanao "Ate did you watch Korean drama again?" stoeic as ever, this guy almost never shows his emotion, at least he shows a bit more emotions than Japan. We got inside the Van wich Mindanao drove to the Airport. "We arrived at NAIA Airport the ASEAN-" Mindanao got cut off by a cheerful yet excited Visaya "THE ASEAN ARE ALL HERE!!!" Mindanao glared at Visaya like he is gonna kill her or something, because she cut him off.

3rd Person POV

The ASEAN members noticed them because of Visayas loud voice, Laos looked at the MaPhilIndo cousins with a quite mad face, this is bad she lost her patience the trio thought. (You see Laos is actually a happy to go girl, but when she looses her patience she can get really mad and scary, especially on her period). "Hey guys! Nice to see you again!soy~?" Malaysia akwardly said while scratching her neck. "Dont hey guys me! You are late!" Laos replied.
"I am sorry po! I was watching to much korean drama please forgive me ate Laos po!" Philippines cried. "Grr" Laos growled like an angry dog. "Um dont be so harsh to her it is not her fault ana~" smiled Thailand, while Cambodia tryed to calm Laos down. "Ate wag kang magalit ni Ate Maria. Are you on your period?" Asked Luzon jokingly. "Yes I am -_-." Laos said trying to calm herself down. "Anyway, we need to get to the plane, the pilot is waiting for us" Brunei smiled. "Good bye everyone have a safe trip" Mindanao waved with his siblings.

Time skip~brought you by Ciel

Philippines POV

We are now inside the plane and
20,000ft above ground. Laos is now calm and happy again. Im just so bored, 💡I have an idea I'll tell someone about my jokes, but who? I got it, the country of smiles "Uh kuya Thailand! I am so bored so Im telling you one of my jokes po!" I tapped him and gave a bright smile.

Thailand POV

I was talking to Singapore , when I felt someone tap on my shoulders, when I turned around to see who it was, it was Philippines "Uh Kuya Thailand! I am so bored so Im telling you one of my jokes po!" she smiled brightly at me. Oh No! There we go again? I do like Philippines as a sister but when it comes to jokes, it turns out really corny and  bad, Im just gonna listen to her joke, maybe she improved. "Hello po! Thailand to Earth! Earth to Ratcha!" Philippines waved her hand in front of my face. "Um Oh! Sorry Maria I was thinking about my Elephant I sure miss him O guess he will arrive tommorow, and I would gladly listen to your Joke, how about you Singapore? ana~" I asked him trying to be polite "Sure, I dont mind I have nothing better to do" I dont know why Singapore is so carefree most of the time,but when it comes to competitions,sports, and shopping he will be so hyper especially to music he likes. *sigh* atleast he is a good listener.

3rd POV

Philippines is telling her joke to Thailand and Singapore, all of the ASEAN countries exept Myanmar, scince he is sleeping, listened to what Philippines will say. "Ok! Lets begin; So China and America were going to France" "China and America thats new!(-Brunei)" "Yes po kuya! Its just a joke I made, okay so they went to France and got inside a Cab the driver asked them 'vhere are you going?' America said'fifty franklin de Roosevelt' then the driver who is France said 'no getz outh'  'what' America and China said in usion. 'I dont drrive hiz kind' the driver said. 'My kind' said America, 'Americanz, I dont drive Americanz'  the driver answered , 'But Im chinese aru~' China replied to France.

The driver looked at him pointed at America and said 'butz your vith him, they are the mozt violent people on Eart, always ztarting warz, alwayz killing people, Americanz make me zick!', America was trying to control his temper and said 'Look man we are not in a mood for this me and my partner just got violated by small Frencher man' 'wearing a small lingerine aru' said China. 'Youre a patetic bunch of criminalz who alwayz rezult to violenze, alwayz pushing around the little guyz' said the French driver. America replied 'That stuff aint true, America is not violent' 'come on America iz a jok, you lozt in Vietnam, you lozt in Iraq, You cant even beat the Europeanz in Basketball anymore, the Tream team is dead' the french driver said with an stoeic face.America almost looses his temper and said 'I aint here you man, talk about damm me again, I dare you I double dare you' 'even thoze kinny women dizgust me, HOLLYBEAR'(Oh no!-Cambodia) this was it America finally lost his temper got his gun out pointed it to the head of the driver  and said 'Oh No! You aint going so far, you want violence smelly french men, huh do you want violence?! Well you got violence!' 'Alfred put the gun down aru!' said China with an concerned voice.

I am the Philippines HetaliaFanfic (AmericaxPhilippines)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat