♤ Chapter Two | Old Friends ♤

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♤ Chapter Two | Old Friends ♤

Harleen was dragged all the way down the hall and three corners by Ivy before they were finally at the dorm room that they were looking for. The door was just like the other doors, but this one had a black giant 'K' on it that lit up with claw marks all over the door like an animal was trying to enter but couldn't.Christmas lights hung along the door frame, making Harleen instantly catch on who they were about to encounter.

"Okay Harleen, Kitty maybe look different, but that doesn't mean she isn't the same girl that we used to play dolls with. Alright?" Ivy says turning to Harleen who was still staring at the door.

Harleen nods her head as Ivy knocks. There was shuffling heard from the other side of the door, and Harleen's nervous butterflies start to fly around her stomach again. The door instantly opens, and a tall beautiful pale girl stood in front of the girls with long dark black hair and a black body suit that you would find a secret agent wearing.

"Red, how are you?" Kitty purrs as she let's the girls step in side her room.

"I'm okay, you wouldn't believe who I ran into just barely." Ivy says smiling over at Harleen.

"Let me guess, Nigma eating a pack of Doritos, and not sharing with you?" Kitty says with a giggle as she moves to sit over at her bed.

"Nope, Harleen Quinzel." Ivy says smirking making Kitty turn around and look at Ivy with wide eyes and then over to Harleen who stood over at the doorway still taking in all the band posters along Kitty's black walls.

"Harleen  Quinzel  as in, our best friend?" Kitty asks  which the girls nod  their heads  to. A bright smile itches  across Kitty face  before  she  pulls Harleen into  a bone  crushing  hug. "Harleen, you finally  came back!"

"Hi Kitty." Harleen says awkwardly  patting the girls back. Kitty pulls away from the hug and looks Harleen up and down. Her smile  grows wider and she starts  to squeal and jump up and down.

"Oh my god the same troublemakers of Miss Tremple's  kindergarten  class together  once again. And to think, Miss Tremple said we would never see you again." Kitty says shaking  her head.

"Wait, she actually said that?" Harleen's  eyes  widen  as Ivy and Kitty both  nod their heads.

"Yep. It was after you left. She said some thing  about if you were smart, you'd  never come back  to Gotham or else something  dark will come your way." Ivy says rolling her eyes. "We all thought she was crazy because  she looked like a witch with her pointy nose  and  that large  mole on the top." Ivy says shrugging  her shoulders.

Harleen bites her lip as she takes it what Ivy said. She has only  been  back at Gotham for a day and already she's  already having second  thoughts about  her decision  because of some words  said about her twelve  years ago from her crazy  kindergarten  teacher who looked like more a Halloween  decoration  than  a school teacher for little kids.

"Harley, don't  worry about  it. The bitch  is dead. Has been for five  years." Kitty says using  Harley's nickname from when they were all little and playing house in Kitty  backyard  in the little tree house her dad built.

Harleen nods her head and looks around Kitty's room. On the far corner, closest  to her  purple covered bed spread bed, stood a giant head shot of both  Kurt Cobain  and Brendon Urie. Harleen  smiles as she sees two of her favorite  artists  and looks at Kitty who has a pleasant  smirk on her face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2017 ⏰

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