Rainbow factory

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If you haven't read it I made this kind of chapter before I'm just expanding it. 

Ezra's pov

I couldn't see anything... all I knew was that I was in a dark room. and no-one was by my side. I will tell you how this happened though. I was about to take a very important test that would decide where and what I'd be doing in the rebellion. I am a Pegasus my self so this was more important than you think. If I failed I would  be sent here to this... place. At the time I didn't know that I would be sent here . I am not even sure where here is. Then suddenly a dim light appeared. I noticed two things... one was that my dark blue fur had been bruised and I had cuts all over. That probably explained why my body hurt so much. Two , I was surrounded by other teen children who looked afraid and their faces covered in tears. When I finally had the strength to get up everyone looked at me. As if I was supposed to be able to fix what happened, as if I had answers. I was just as confused as them. A tall and thin pink Pegasus with the most beautiful purple eyes I've seen stood up and walked over to me. " Are you going to do something? Do you know why we're here?". I couldn't answer the last question but I could answer the first. Her voice was high and scratchy. "I will figure out exactly what is going on and what we should do. Just give me some time". The girl had just moved her green locks out of her face that had fallen when she got up. She looked at me for a while and then went back to where to her spot on the ground. I had a weird feeling she didn't believe me. 

After a couple minutes many other ponies were mumbling and trying to calm each other down. Then literally out of knowhere a door opened and a bright light leaked in the dark room. I looked in the direction of the door to find it only spreading, as if the whole wall was one big door. When the huge door was completely open seven Pegasus stood there and when my eyes adjusted to the light I couldn't believe my eyes. Outrageously huge machines were moving back and forth transporting six different illuminating colors in tubes, crates, and various other objects. A vibrant red, an insanely bright orange, a yellow that seemed to pop among the rest, a light green that seemed to glisten, a blue that was most charming among the rest, and the most exquisite purple I've ever seen. They were all falling into even bigger containers making a outstanding rainbow waterfall. My jaw dropped as I saw the beautiful sight. Just as my eyes were able to look away a tall and muscular figure with a white lab coat walk out in view of the maybe thirty ponies there. "Hello... you worthless pieces of trash!". He spoke in a mean , rough, and deep voice. Everyone around me suddenly started to shake except that one girl I talked to earlier. She stared at the mystery pony with a face of hate. " Do you know why you are here?". He waited for any accusations or anyone to question and interrupt him... nobody did. "You are here because you couldn't even past the test that would define what you would do for the rest of your life. You are pathetic... and a waste of the rebellions time and resources... and now you are my problem and I intend to take care of that. As in that I mean you.". This pony who spoke in the voice of a true colt and got at least twelve people crying. "Do you see the colours over there? That's spectrum it's what our precious rainbows are made of. To get these vibrant and gorgeous colors we need pure spectrum. And throughout history us pegasi (Pegasus species) were in charge of creating this beautiful work of art. So, for decades our ancestors tried to find knew ways to get pure spectrum. In the tree's, ground, even clouds but none of those had pure spectrum. Then one faithful day a Pegasus found out that living and only living earth ponies, unicorns, and Pegasus ponies had pure spectrum. But since this is our duty only Pegasus fulfill this sacred , how should I put put this?...job.". I only listened to half his speech. It's all I could do at the moment. There were no doors or windows to fly out of and there were guards everywhere. I'm pretty sure I looked the one in charge straight in the eyes. But , I couldn't tell the color of his eyes because our mystery host was wearing a hood. As he finished his speech he finally said. "You will call me MASTER! and if any of you try to escape or attack my guards you will be given a harsh punishment...". He then pulled back his hood and I saw the most horrifying sight imaginable. He had a silky brown  mane in a pony tail with stripes of the rainbow in his mane and tail. His turquoise eyes were blank but full of madness at the same time. His light blue fur looked dim and lifeless and he had a red splatter on his left cheek. Something inside me hoped that wasn't blood. When ... Kanan... finished his speech he ordered every one to get in a straight line.  I walked over to the girl I talked to earlier. She still had a look of pure hatred in her eyes. "Hey, do you know what he said in the end part of his speech I kind of blocked him out". She snapped out of her trance and looked at me. Her voice was still dy and high pitched as she talked.She said that ever since he found out that pegasi had pure spectrum he was taking the lives of any Pegasus that failed the test for energy to make rainbows...apparently they were important to " Kanan" for him to kill teenagers like me. But, what really scared me was when she said that he was going to demonstrate how the "Pegasus device" works. I was stunned. My brain finally came back after a couple seconds of being paralyzed by the fear that someone is going to die. "I never asked your name before... I'm Ezra". "I'm Tera. Tera Silver. What's your cutie mark?". I told her I had orange fireworks. She showed me her's  I looked and her cutie mark, it was the Phoenix symbol. I wanted to talk to her a bit more but that's when we got yelled at to get in line. I really wanted to fight this guy but Tera held me back. Just like Kanan would. We got in line and Kanan then again lectured us again on how useless we are. He then scanned the room for a victim and almost instantly he locked his eyes on me. Everyone looked at me and a couple backed up. " Ezra... I never thought you would be here. I never doubted you for a second. And here you are. Ezra... tell me why you here. Why I spent my time and energy to train you to be the best! To be a jedi. Why are you here? Tell me.". I could only look at him and not say a word. I was afraid of Kanan... "TELL ME!!. Why do you surprise me with your presence! Are you weak? Is that it?! You couldn't pass the test if your life depended on it? Oh wait, it does!". He yelled at me with such hate I started to cry. "I thought you cared about me!". Kanan just stood there blankly. He said "Ezra. I loved you. And now I have to kill you". My heart broke into millions of pieces. Kanan then ordered the guards to take me to his office where he will take care of me personally. 

I sat in Kanan's office alone and through a TV I saw that he chose Tera to be the example. I watched in horror as the machine broke her limbs and sucked the very life was out of her. Pink and green spectrum  was flowing through the tubes and then deeper in the factory. I started to cry. My friend had just died and I just saw it. Her screaming was so sad to hear that it broke me down from the inside. Blood splatters were all over the floor. Kanan then left the area and was probably coming to finish me off. I placed back and forth just waiting for Kanan to just kill me and get it over with. That was the only thing I could think about. Kanan then burst in the room and slammed the door behind him. "Ezra..." he said it harshly like he really hated me. What happened next would scar me for life but also the most happiest moment in it. Kanan rushed toward me and kissed me on my lips . He gave me a swift but harsh kiss . I couldn't move for I had lost all feeling in my body. " I love you... I really don't want to hurt you... So, I will give you a choice. We can rule the factory together and I'll make sure your never hurt again. Please join me. And we'll never be apart... Ezra... please". Since I got here that's the most I've heard of Kanan not a madman. His voice was sweet and kind like it always is. Then he actually smiled at me. "Will you stop killing?" I'm not entirely sure that was the right question to ask. His smile soon faded and he said "Ezra. If there was another way to make rainbows that they can be visible from space do you think I would have done it.?". I actually thought about that. He then said that all ways to make rainbows the peaceful way have been impossible for a long time. I then wondered if Kanan had traveled too deep into the world of madness. "Ezra what do ya say? Will you let me make you happy?..". I slowly shook my head saying no. "I want my Kanan back". I started to cry again. Kanan then made a face of anger and bit my neck hard and started tugging at it till it started to bleed. "No! Kanan stop!.". Kanan then  ripped part of my throat out and blood started pouring. "Ka-kaaa-Kanan..." I was going to die...Kanan kissed me one last time and said "I'm sorry..." 

Narrators pov

Kanan dragged Ezra's body to the Pegasus device and strapped Ezra to the table. The machine then stuck its needle straight into Ezra's heart and sucked blue spectrum from him. Ezra could only make small but loud whimpers. Ezra said one last thing before death took over. Ezra turned to face Kanan and said "I... love...you...too.". Ezra yelled it aloud. When the job was done. Only Kanan's screaming and cries could be heard. He just killed his padawan and his lover... Well everyone now knows the saying... IN THE RAINBOW FACTORY WHERE FEARS AND HORRORS COME TRUE IN THE RAINBOW FACTORY WHERE NOT A SINGLE SOUL GETS THROUGH...

Well guys that was something wasn't it?! Read the actual rainbow factory story it is lit. You can find it on YouTube by the lost narrator or on bing. Goodbye everyone! Hope you enjoyed this story!😉


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