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After the capture, and Kei being able to finally live a quiet life; he wondered about his blond friend, Kai. He thought about how he was with his sister, and Kotobuki. He hoped Kotobuki was protecting Kaito and his sister, seeing they were mortal humans, unlike him.

"I wonder if Kotobuki is protecting them?" He thought to himself, 

Before he could continue his train of thoughts, Kou had walked in. "Hey, Kei!" He had annoyingly sang to Kei. "Do you think I have a chance with Izumi?" He continued. Kei made no effort to respond and ignored the ginger screaming about the black-headed female. 

He tried to think of areas Kaito would be in. Maybe the old hide-out he had? That was a not very likey- but still a thought nonetheless.

He then thought about how Kai could have felt about Kei leaving them. He remembered telling Kotobuki, so he must have told Kaito, so he couldn't be that worried. He also didn't want Kaito dead, he hoped that Kotobuki protects him, even if his IBM is unable to protect them. He thought more while trying to drown out the ginger next to him, and his constant rambling about his love for the Ajin female.

'Kaito, where are you?" He thought.

Authors Note:

I hope this wasn't too short, I'll try to update this and the Kou and Izumi one, ignore my mistakes please! Hoped you enjoyed this! <3

AJIN: Second Ship Book; KEI AND KAIWhere stories live. Discover now