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The whole day I sat around bored out of my mind but Mindi let me follow her around as she worked. I helped her cook as we chatted about everything and anything

It was late at night now probably around midnight and I have been sitting in my room watching Grownups and laughing my ass off like a loser on my own.

I hadn't ran into Valentino all day which I was seriously thankful for. I don't think I was ready to face him just yet

My thoughts where cut short when my stomach growled loudly. I groaned how was I still hungry? I ate like a pig at dinner. I stepped out of bed in an oversized hoodie devouring my body down to mid thigh and tiptoed down the dark stairs, guess most people where In their rooms?..... or probably killing people. I smiled to myself as I came to the kitchen which was thankfully empty

I got myself some water and a few snacks before the light was turned on, my eyes widened as I turned to look at the intruder. It was a man I had never seen or met before. He was still in a sharp suit and had tousled brown hair and a smirk on his lips making me shudder. What did he want? "Uh hi?" I said as he just stood there awkwardly silent. "Hello, you must be Anastasia, pleasure to finally meet you" he spoke overly kind as he lent out a hand for me to shake. I recognised that voice? But I couldn't pin point where from.

I hesitantly placed my hand in his to shake "nice to meet you.." i trailed off not knowing his name "Dominic, but you can call me Nick" he said as I pulled away everything came crashing down. This was the man who was told to befriend me and then tear me apart. This was Nick. Holy shit. I cleared my throat as I faked a smile "anyway I better get going to my room, but I'll see you around?" He said as he grabbed a bottle of water "uh yeah that would be nice" I said as he smiled before leaving the kitchen.

My eyes where like saucers. It would sure as hell not be nice. That lying little scumbag.

My thoughts where going a thousand miles an hour as I sprinted up the stairs in a haze. As I reached my room I noticed noises coming from Valentinos room making me gag and a pang of jealousy? In my chest. I shook the thoughts away, why would I care if he's doing deed with some whore right now? He's an ass hole anyway. I slammed my door shut behind me and ate my snacks irritated. I could hear this bitch moan from my room

My jaw clenched as she got louder. I swear to god. I was going to slap this bitch so hard if she didn't shut up soon. I was tired and I didn't chose to be right opposite the man whore.

I tried to ignore it as I climbed into bed covering my precious ears from her high pitched noises. I rolled my eyes as she began screaming his name. Like really screaming. Come on now shes just exaggerating. I jumped it of bed officially pissed off. I didn't give a shit who it was, I wanted to sleep and I can't when I hear some stupid idiots banging!

I trudged out of the room and banged on his door "shut the fuck up" I shouted, I waited a few minutes to see if it would stop but it only got louder. Now they where just trying to annoy me. I was seeing red as I slammed his door open and revealed Valentino on top of some fake blonde hoe. How low is he?

He didn't even turn to me through his haze of lust "both of you shut the fuck up, some people are trying to sleep" i yelled waving my arms around like a made woman. Valentino pulled out and I averted my eyes elsewhere as the fake boobed bimbo slipped his shirt on. She rolled her eyes as she stood up, red lipstick smeared all over her face making me glare harder

Valentino didn't say a word as he laid calmly on his messy bed with his arms behind his back and the white sheets covering his privates. I wouldn't be lying if I didn't say his messy brown hair and chiselled tanned chest didn't turn me on. But I quickly shook them thoughts and turned back to the bitch standing dangerously close to me

"Sorry sweetie but your needed back at the maid quarters" she said patronisingly as she pointed to the door. My blood boiled as I glared at her I pushed her back hard when she got in my face "say it again" I spoke dangerously calm as I began stalking towards me. Don't mess with me. She chuckled as she rolled her eyes not believing I would do anything to her. Oh how your wrong. "Apparently the toilets need cleaning down stairs, you better get to work, oh and while your there me and my boyfriend would love some water, we really worked up a sweat" she smirked making me shake in fury

Boyfriend?! As if Valentino would go out with a girl so fake. I got up in her yface as she was backed to the wall, I smirked. Victory. Lack of sleep gets me like this. A flash of fear and worry greeted her eyes as she hit the wall "oh, what do we have here? A fake little dirt bag?" I said while tapping my chin. She glared as I heard a muffled laugh come from Valentino making my heart flutter knowing I was the cause

I was rendered from my thoughts as she pushed me back harshly. I rose an eyebrow. I pushed her back as her back hit the wall hard she let out a grunt "you stupid little low life bitch! Your going to pay" she screeched making me cringe. Bring it on blondie. Just as I raised my fist back to knock some sense into her. Literally. I was held back into a warm rock solid chest. Valentino. "Ladies there's no need to fight over me I'm down to share" he said cheekily. I turned In his arms and pushed his bare chest back "fuck you" I said angrily as I stormed out of his room slamming the door behind me and back into my room

I hate him. I hate him. I hate him

Is that all he had to say for himself!? If I ever see that bitch again he won't be able to stop me. I'm officially done with him. He's a stupid cocky fuck boy and he probably has an STD.

The rest of the night I was restless. How could I sleep when a hot Italian was in the room opposite me fucking some bitch

I let out a deep breath. It doesn't matter because I'm not staying here forever, I have my own life to tend to and I'm not waiting around for some Italian Mafia to tell me my future.


Damn guys. I think Anastasia is finally cracking.

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