Chapter 4

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Takuto smiled at Kazuki, before laying his deadly eyes onto the criminals.
"You know, keeping hostages is cowardly. What do you want money? An escape? The Reaper possibly?" Asked Takuto.
"How did you get in here?!" Asked one of the guys, they all had guns.
"It's this wonderful invention called a window... it works miricles" Takuto replied sarcastically.
He began to walk towards them, they pointed their guns at him.
"Don't move! We'll shoot!" One shouted.
"I really hate people like you. The type that... killed my father... I will not let you hurt my little brother, so try to kill me! I dare you!" He shouted, running towards them.
They began to shoot, Takuto dodged the bullets, and punched one of the guys. Outside, the officers were preparing to break in, at the sound of the bullets.
Takuto picked up one of the guns, moved behind the remaining four and hit one on the back of the head with the gun before kicking them and collecting their gun.

The other three were shooting at him, surprisingly, he dodged quite a few of the bullets. Although? He got hit by two, one in the arm, the other on his hand.
"Third injury today!" He shouted.
Takuto used the opportunity of them reloading their guns to kick the guns out of two of their hands and then picking them up. Leaving one more. As the police began to enter, he shot at the last guys hand and collected the final gun. When the police arrived, he put them on a table and passed them over.
"They're the weapons. I realise I shouldn't have gotten involved, but I couldn't just sit around while people's lives were at risk" said Takuto.
"You saved them didn't you? There's nothing wrong about that" said an officer.
They arrested the five and got all of the hostages to safety. Kazuki met up with the team and introduced Takuto.
"This is my idiot brother" said Kazuki.
"Nice to meet you my name is Takuto Sakurai, thank you for working with my little brother" said Takuto, the smiled at them.

"Kazuki, he doesn't seem like the type of person you described him as..." said Shima.
"Don't let looks deceive you. This idiot inherited our fathers violent and reckless personality. He's decisive too" Kazuki replied.
"Takuto, what's it like living in Osaka, it's crime central right now so is it now scary?" Asked Rinna.
"No, it's just the same to me. Crimes are committed all around me. And plus I could use the skills I used in there if I had to" he replied.
"Kazuki, you have a great brother, why don't you appreciate him? He did save you after all" asked Shima.
"It wasn't that when he left us after father died. Mother tried to look after me and find you at the same time even though she was in a bad condition. When you returned, you'd changed, when I looked at you, I saw deep darkness in your eyes" Kazuki replied.
"Now let me ask you, do you still see that darkness?" Asked Takuto.
"Yes, darker than before... the eyes of a murderer!" Kazuki shouted.

"Kazuki..." said a kind voice from behind them, it was their mother.
She had walked all the way there, despite her condition.
"Mother!" Said Kazumi shocked.
"What are you doing here?" He asked.
"I can't believe you... your brother just saved you! He's even injured!" Atsuko shouted.
"Takuto....? Where did he go?!" Asked Atsuko.
Takuto had disappeared from where he was standing.

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