Chapter 4

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The silence that filled the air after Zenra's introductions was freakish, seeing as that the rowdy guild's had been so loud before she began speaking. Zenra's smile faltered slightly, then came back as she proposed an idea. "Cupid's! Why don't you introduce yourselves to the guild!" She pleaded thru her smile. After almost no time the Cupid's began to yell out their names and squish through Fairy Tail's tightly formed group. The only people that stayed behind were three, who seemed to have a much more normal build than the rest of their guild. They looked like normal people in comparison to their fellow Cupid's.

Two men practically shielded the woman who seemed to cower in the presence of the new large guild group. Zenra's face contorted into on of displeasure as she looked at the guild mates who were ignoring her request. She slowly walked over to girl, and began to whisper to her about politeness. After a few minutes Zenra finally coached the girl to come out and make nice to everyone. The two men that were shielding her, presumably her friends, looked at her to make sure she was alright. Sure enough, the girl smiled and told them to go make friends by themselves. The boys nodded and went off to talk to someone else. Zenra tugged on the girls arm and led her towards a group of people.

"Hi! I have a guild member who is a little shy, and she needs a little help introducing herself. Please be nice!" Zenra dropped the girls arm and ran off, leaving the girl to fend for herself. She quickly looked back at Zenra helplessly, then she slowly looked at the group of people Zenra had left her with.

"Hi there! I'm Lucy, it's nice to meet you." She gave a closed eye smile to the scared girl. "Um, what's your name?" Lucy asked, not sure wether the girl was responding well to her or not because of the cloak that his her face and body features.

The girl mumbled an inaudible response back. She looked out of the cloak and at Lucy, moving her gaze from her head to her feet. Then she spoke up slightly, just able for Lucy to hear.

"My name's Nina," she stuck her hand out of her cloak, "nice to meet you."

Lucy seemed somewhat surprised, but shook her hand nonetheless. "So, what kind of magic do you have?" She started the small talk between them.

"Oh, um, I have whisper magic."

"Well, that's ironic! 'Cause you whisper a lot- Oomph!" A hand appeared around Lucy's neck, slightly pushing her forward when the pink haired boy latched onto her. "Natsu!" She yelled, throwing off his arm. After glaring at him slightly Lucy turned back to Nina, smiling brightly. "Pardon my friend here, he can be quite dumb sometimes."

"Hey! I'm not dumb all the time!" Natsu defended himself poorly.

Nina giggled slightly at the two bantering, she thought they sounded like an old married couple.

Lucy scowled at Natsu, facing Nina again to try to resume the conversation. "So, why are you wearing that cloak?" Lucy questioned.

"Oh, I am? Sorry, I, um, forgot I was wearing it." She ripped off the hood of the cloak, revealing two ice blue eye, short brown hair that looked to have some resemblance of mint green in it, and plump pink lips. Lucy was slightly taken about by the girls appearance, not at all what she was expecting.

"Well, um, what kind of magic do you have?" Nina asked timidly.

"Oh! Right, I have celestial magic," she took the chain that kept the keys together and quickly showed them to Nina.

"Woah, you have so many," she said in wonder before the pink haired boy from before came back and looked at them too.

"Meh, not as impressive as what I can do," he stated proudly, placing his hands on his hips.

"You wish, Natsu. You can't really compare to my magic." A blue haired boy with no shirt on joined the conversation.

"Grey, clothes!" Lucy said, slightly angered.

A tall red head soon sauntered over to the group, joining in the conversation, too. Lucy introduced them all the Nina, who stayed silent through almost all of the conversation.


"Have the Cupid's met the Fairy's yet?" A staticky voice questioned through the small hand held device.

"Yes, and they seem to be enjoying themselves," Zenra's voice echoed back to her mother, sounding almost intimidated.

"Good. Once they start to feel safe, we'll strike." Zenra's mother commanded through the device, the devilish smile on her face not needing to be seen to know it was there.

"Yes, master." Zenra bit her lip, unsure wether she indeed wanted this to happen. She rubbed her eyes, seeing the people in front of her by some distance chatter and talk to one another. A lump finding it's way into her throat just by thinking of what her mother was to do. She swallowed the horrid feeling, starting to walk back to the group of mangled guilds.

"I'm so sorry Fairy Tail, I'm sorry."

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