You're Not Alone

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Hey everyone! This prompt was given to me by @Olivia_Glittens so thank you so much. Hope you enjoy this :)

Background; Imagine Stef and Lena are best friends in high school.

Stef's POV
It's finally our lunch break after two long periods of math and geography. 
I felt the subtle vibration of my phone in my back pocket.  I couldn't help but smile like a dork when I saw Lena's text pop up. 'Meet me at my locker? We can go out for lunch and pig out on some McDonalds ;) My treat!' We've been the best of friends since grade 7, she's the best thing that's ever happened to me. I've always wanted more with her, but that could never happen. Even though she is gay, she could never go for a girl like me. Plus I'm not even I?
I was removed from my thoughts by the bitch from our school, Dawn Jennings. She slammed her shoulder into me, walking straight down the hallway without caring about anyone who comes in her way. Typical. I could punch this girl so hard, but I never would. Lena really doesn't like violence, and I would never do anything to make her feel uncomfortable.
Finally I can see my favourite person in the world standing at her locker.
As I got closer, I could see she was talking to three boys. I didn't recognize them whatsoever. I immediately became suspicious of them by their body actions. I quickened my pace, but this hallway felt like it was a mile long. And then, it hit me. Those boys are three years older than us, and I know for a fact they are extremely homophobic. Oh god please tell me they didn't find out about Lena. As soon as the one blonde-haired, tall kid stepped way too close to Lena, I ran as fast as I could down the rest of the hallway. Right when I got there, Lena started crying. She ran into the girls bathroom that was close by.
I scrambled, "What the fuck did you do?!" I yelled loud enough that everyone in the hallway started staring right at us. I swear I'm going to kill these three.
I stomped away quickly, following Lena into the washroom. I slammed the door open quickly, there was no one standing in the main part of the washroom. There was one door closed, and I could see Lena's white Converse underneath the stall door.
"Lena..Lena hun..come talk to me please. Tell me what happened." I said the softest tone possible. I heard her sniffle up tears and the door unlock.
She slowly opened it, avoiding eye contact, looking down at the ground scared.
I did the only thing I knew how to do.
"Come here, my love." I opened my arms wide and she didn't hesitate to come into them.
She immediately started crying again. I hate seeing her in pain, out of all people in this world she deserves eternal happiness.
"Shh it's going to be okay, love. I'm here now. No one can hurt you." I rubbed her back slowly with my right hand and cradled the back of her head with my left. She nuzzled her face into my neck. Once I felt her breathing slow she stepped back up, still holding onto my arms. She looked me in the eyes, and all I could see was pure love. I felt a slight tug on my arms as she pulled me towards her, closely. She started leaning in to kiss me, but once she was about an inch away from my lips she pulled back.
"Oh my god. I'm such a idiot.. you're not even gay. I'm so sorry Stef I don't know what I was thinking..Oh my god I probably just ruined everything and grossed you ou-"
I cut off Lena's ramble abruptly by pressing my lips to hers. It was the most loving and passionate kiss I've ever shared with anymore. And I've never felt more at home. This is all I've ever wanted, I was just too afraid to admit it.
I felt Lena melt into our kiss, and I couldn't help but smile into her lips. I felt her wet tongue glide across my bottom lip, asking for entrance and I was more than happy to allow access.
We made out in the girls washroom for a least two minutes.
"mhm, baby as much as I am enjoying this right now..I think we've already pushed our luck with not being caught in here."
I said while laughing. I can't get this giddy smile off my face.
"You're probably right." Lena said, punctuated with a peck on my lips.
"My love, what did those boys say to you to make you so upset?"
I asked while holding both her hands in mine.
"Well..they um..they were saying how I don't deserve to live on this earth because I'm..I'm a worthless dyke..and then the boy with blonde hair was walking toward me um take me...and 'fuck the gay right out of me.' It just makes me feel so alone and that being gay is wrong..and that I'm wrong and-" She couldn't get the sentence out without crying. I felt sick to my stomach. I pulled my love back into my body and kissed her head. "I'm so sorry, hun. I'm so sorry. They will pay for this, I'm not letting them get away with this. Not now, not ever. You have me and you always will. Being gay is not wrong my love. You being who you are should not have an affect on anybody else. You're not alone, I'm here baby. I always will be, for whatever you need. And you know what?" I said while lifting her chin with my finger to look at me.
"The one thing that I know for sure now is that I' crazy in love with you. You're all I think about."
She smiled so big. Gosh, her smile is so so beautiful.
"I-I don't even know what to say. I'm so proud of you, baby. So, so proud. I love you so much."
Lena said back with the sweetest voice that I absolutely adore.
I really don't think I've ever smiled this much in my life. I feel like I'm floating, this is so surreal.
Without hesitation, she threw her arms around my neck and hugged me closely. She looked at me so purely, and kissed me with so much tenderness I could melt. I held her closely and kissed her cheek.
In that moment, I knew that this was the start of great new chapter in my life with the person I love most.

A/N; This was really fun to write, I hope it's okay! I'll definitely get better as I go along, I am new to this :) Would you want me to continue this story separate from my one shot series? let me know! Leave some requests in the comments if you have any!
Until next time..

Stef and Lena {One Shots}Where stories live. Discover now