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"Hey there. You new around here?"

Ford blinked owlishly, looking up from his book at the (what he assumed would be considered) attractive girl standing next to him.

"Oh, um... not exactly," The boy answered, "I'm just visiting my great aunt."

"Well I haven't seen you around before," The girl grinned, sitting on the table beside him. She crossed her legs, twirling her hair around her finger, "Which is strange, because I'm sure I could have noticed a handsome boy like yourself."

Ford felt his cheeks heat up.

"Ah, well, thank you," He mumbled shyly, "But I'm not-"

"Say, how about we ditch the library and go get some lunch, huh?" The girl asked, "Don't see why someone like yourself would waste your time with books anyway."

"I-I appreciate the offer-" Ford began. The girl didn't seem to notice him nervously trying to escape.

"Great! Let go then," She smiled, taking Ford's hand. She blinked at the odd six fingers, but didn't say anything else.

"I'd really r-rather not," Ford stuttered.

"What, is it the girlfriend?" The girl cooed, "Don't worry, I won't say a thing."

"No, i-it's not that-" Ford began, taking his hand back and wrapping his arms around the book he held.

"What is it, then? What's wrong with you?" The girl asked, seeming to become more irritated, "I'm one of the most popular, beautiful girls in Gravity Falls. Any guy would kill to go on a date with me! You should feel lucky!"

"Ford, darlin'? What's goin' on?"

Ford jumped and spun to see Fiddleford, who was staring confusedly at the girl. Ford sighed in relief and walked over to Fiddleford, taking his hand and kissing his nose. The girl grimaced, folding her arms.

"Oh. You're gay," She snapped, jumping down from the table, "That's what's wrong with you."

"Ain't nothin' wrong with it," Fiddleford frowned, glaring at the girl.

"Ha! And you're dating that loser?" The girl laughed, "He was the biggest nerd in 10th grade! Heck, the whole school!"

She laughed loudly before walking off and leaving the two boyfriends alone.

"Are ye ok, Ford?" Fiddleford asked.

"Yes, I'm fine," Ford sighed, "Thank you, Fidds."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2017 ⏰

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