1: open wounds.

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Ponyboy pov

I was running as fast as I could which was pretty fast seeing as I am on the track team. The gang following behind me we were running to the lot after Dallas called telling us the fuzz were after him. I got there a little before the gang, but Dallas pulled out a heater and I had a flashback. It was when we were at the Dairy Queen in Windrexvill and he had the gun and Johnny was telling Dal how dangerous it was to have a loaded gun. 'It ain't loaded cool off' that sentence replayed in my head and before I knew it was bolting over to Dallas "YOU'LL NEVER GET ME ALIVE" he yelled and gunshots were heard throughout the lot. Nobody was shot though. I opened my eyes and I realized I was on top of Dally I slightly blushed and rolled off. I looked at him and before I knew it Darry ran over and pulled me up by my shirt 'I don't if you're stupid or brave, but for once I'm glad you didn't use your head' Darry yelled but pulled me into a tight hug, I didn't realize it but he was crying. Darry hugged tighter and said 'man, I thought i was gonna lose you Johnny and Dallas in one night.' Man I thought to myself do you think now Dally would know I like him? I sure hope not, he would surely kick my ass. I looked down at the greaser, he looked angry but almost relieved too. I was scared Dallas knew  that I liked him. I was scared that he will tell the gang and they will all laugh because being gay is not okay. Darry would hate me even more. I guess my sad look might have been really noticeable, because Dallas looked up and said 'kid you okay?' at the point I was almost fuming he just tried to kill himself and he is asking if I am okay I managed to squeak out 'yeah I'm fine,  what about you tough guy?' And for the first time ever I saw a pained look with something else I couldn't make out in his eyes. Then Sodapop broke the silence and yelled 'hey guys we should be heading back now' everyone just simply nodded their heads. I reached out my hand for Dally to take and he shook his head 'like hell you're gonna help me up, you've done enough man.' I frowned slightly and mumble a quiet 'okay' and started heading back. I heard him slowly get up and sigh and catch up to me. We were behind the rest of the gang and there was an uncomfortable silence between us and he cleared his throat and quietly let out one of the things I never thought I would here Dallas Winston say 'Thank ya Pone you really saved me' I was honestly speechless. I did something unbelievable, something he would never even let Johnny do. I hugged him, tight. I felt him tense up but eventually he got used to it and lightly hugged back. Wow I thought who knew Dallas Winston let someone hug him. He sighed lightly and I felt something wet hit my head. He was crying. My eyes widened I pulled back and looked up 'c'mon lets catch up to the gang yeah?' He nodded sadly and we got back to the house. Soda was already crashed on the couch with Steve laying the other way fast asleep. Everyone else just stared at the broken boy who just tried to kill himself. Darry could sense that both of the greasers were uncomfortable so he said 'Pony why don't you go up to bed, and Dallas, Soda is out cold on the couch there is an open spot in the bed I suggest you take it' Dallas simply nodded and the boys went up to bed. Both of us had taken off our shirts and pants and were in our underwear I couldn't help but to stare he was just so attractive his defined abs and his brown hair that never seemed to have grease in it. And his eyes, oh his brown eyes they made me weak.I had to stop staring so I looked away and got into bed, the older greaser followed and that's when I realized Johnny wasn't coming back. I felt tears prick my eyes and I tried to stop them, but I couldn't contain the loud sobs that racked my body. Dallas turned over to face me, he looked for a second and started crying himself. We both needed the company and support of each other. I hugged him again and we both sat up and just cried. Tonight we just mourned over Johnny, very few words were spoken. Eventually we fell asleep in each others arms.

A/N- Hello this is the first story on this account I'm actually wicked excited about it. This is the first chapter I will try to update as much as possible~Kay xx

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2017 ⏰

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