The Party

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     The sun shone down hard. Being outside for anything more than 10 minutes guaranteed a full body sweat. Or atleast some major pit stains. Good for Frank that he could happily stay inside, avoiding the outside world. His class didn't start till 1:00, giving him a solid 3 hours of computer time.
     "Tumblr here I come," He muttered. The only light in his room came from his laptop as he started scrolling through Tumblr. The black out curtains covered the window, giving the illusion of midnight.
     Around 15 minutes later, Franks roommate Dan walked in, ruining the atmosphere as the light of the hallway beamed in.
     "Hey nerd, there's a party tonight and I think you should come as my plus one," he suggested. Frank rolled his eyes.
     "I wasn't invited and I'm not going. I'm busy anyway." He responded, his eyes still glued to his mac. Dan closed the laptop and turned on the lamp on the nightstand. Annoyance was evident on Frank's face just as much as it was on Dan's.
"Can't you be a functioning member of society for once? For gods sake, we're in college! We should be living it up! Enjoying the best time of our lives!" Dan was making his infamous hand gestures and poses that he used everytime he was so called "passionate".
"Funny, that's what I was told during highschool too," Frank responded with a scoff. Dan could tell his roommate wasn't going to comply, so with a swift move, he snatched up franks laptop and ran out the room.
"H-hey! Give that back!" He shouted as he sprinted after him. Dan had the upper-hand with a ten second head start to his room, allowing him to lock the door.
"I'll only give it back if you come to the party!" He threatened from the other side of the door. Frank wasn't giving in. He kicked, punched, slammed, and yelled to get Dan to open the door, but all in vain. Frank slid down the wall onto the floor and sighed.
"Fine. I'll go, but I wont like it," he stated waiting for the door to open. The click of Dan unlocking the door was followed by him promptly giving the laptop back. Frank snatched it out of his hands and scurried back to his void like room.
Later that night, Dan made his way into Frank's room hoping to see him ready. Instead, he was rolled up in a blanket like a burrito with one hand out to use his laptop. Dan face-palmed before turning on all the lights and closing his laptop.
"We need to leave for the party now. Get dressed. Look presentable," He nagged. Frank rolled his eyes and un-rolled himself. He then made his way to the closet and grabbed some clothes.
"Out." He demanded as pointed to the door.
He put on the blue 3/4 sleeve shirt and khaki pants. He looked in the mirror. He was somewhat built, going to the gym 3-5 days a week. He wasn't sporty, neither did he enjoy going to the gym, but somehow he couldn't stop going. Maybe it was because he was pressured to be healthy when he was a kid. His father and mother would constantly force him to play sports and never allowed junk-food in the house. He wasn't unhappy with the result, as he got lots of compliments from girls that he could be model.
He ran his fingers through his chestnut colored hair that fell to the nape of his neck. I can look good when I want to. He thought to himself. His thoughts were interrupted as Dan pounded in the door.
"C'mon! We're gonna be late!" He shouted. Frank knew the only reason he wanted to get there early was to make sure he had his fair share of alcohol before it ran out. Frank sighed again as he opened the door and started to make his way to Dan's car.

Gena and FrankTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang