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HEAVY BREATHING IS WHAT CAUSED THEM TO CATCH UP TO HER. she had been running for ages though and couldn't help it. silently cursing herself, isabelle carter bit her lip and hugged herself closer to the tree. normally she wasn't one to hide, but there was too many of them; she had no choice.

"i think she's gone, nikolas. maybe she went east instead?" a hopeful voice spoke, but was quickly washed out by a series of comments being made; all too jumbled together to be distinguished.
"why on earth would she go east, when the house they were staying at is this way?" grumbled a deep voice, assumingly nikolas. a few moments passed though, and  no movements were made by either parties. simply dead silence. 

suddenly, the comment made about where her family had been staying clicked in Isabelle's mind and she grew with worry; they knew where to find them.

her inner thoughts were interrupted when the sound of boots rustling against the forest floor grew loud and all the men stomped away; leaving isabelle to release the air she had been holding in. quietly, she peeked out from behind the tree to check for anyone's presence, and began her walk — run — back to the house she had grown too familiar with over the years.

after the long walk, she turned the corner to find nothing but ashes; not a large house, no cooper sitting on the deck reading books, no victoira offering her tea, and no jacob playing pranks. there was no squealing of 'shut up!' coming from the house, nothing. it was silent.

thoughts rushed through Isabelle's head and she wished desperately that sapphire was there to tell her that panicking wouldn't work, she needed to think smart. however, this was isabelle. she was reckless and angry and didn't give a shit about anything but her family. so she didn't think smart. she got angry, hoping that just for once, it would work.

after three hours of punching and kicking at trees, the brunette had nothing but bloody knuckles and a raspy throat. no new ideas had formed, and the sun was now setting; she needed to hurry. it wouldn't be long before the seekers returned to find her and take her back to the cages — or kill her. racking her brain for any way she could contact her friends, she finally stumbled upon her saving grace; brady bates.

isabelle never thought — in a million years — that she would be on Brady's door step asking him for help, but she knew that he was in contact with his sister, so she put her pride aside and knocked twice, wincing slightly as her wounded hand hit the wood. the door was opened seconds later, revealing a curly-haired man, with a tired expression on his face.
"is–isabelle? is that you?" he asked, his voice groggy.
"in the flesh," she answered, a small smile forming on her lips. she didn't like brady, and never had. the two bickered and fought far too often to be considered friends — or at least they used to. however, it had been six months, and she was beyond relieved to see a familiar face.
"my god! we've been looking for you," he said as he pulled her into a hug.
"now, i know we hate each other and everything, but i haven't seen anyone i know in awhile, and i need a hug. so, im going to hug you back right now, and we are never going to speak of it again. got that, bates?" she mumbled as her arms snaked around his waist.
"promise, as long as you don't mention the fact that i hugged you," he spoke into her ear, quiet enough that only she could hear it.

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