The Locked Door

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The hallway was dark and cold. Stumbling over scattered pieces of sharp metal and shattered glass, I ran on and on as the sound of my steady footsteps echoed through the spacious corridor. The air smelled like... blood, the putrid stench of blood. I screamed in pain as the sharp edge of a crooked metal rod scraped my ankle. Searing pain jolted through my right leg. I felt the warm feeling of blood oozing out of the deep open wound. I ignored the agonizing pain and limped on with persistence.

As I ran, I began to wonder: Why was I running? I noticed I was not running to something. I was running from something. And that something was chasing me. I heard the clanking and clunking sounds of rattling chains, and chills went down my spine. I ran harder and harder until I felt like I was going to collapse at any moment. But, I couldn't stop running or that something would catch up to me. Fear spun a web around my heart, making me feel trapped and hopeless.

But then, I saw something at the end of the hallway: a glowing orange light. As I drew closer, I saw the light came from a flickering kerosene oil lantern hanging over a heavy-looking metal door. I wondered if the door led to somewhere I could hide from my pursuer- somewhere safe. My heart sank as I saw that the door was wrapped around with chains and locked with a giant rusty padlock. I reached the door and tried to pull and tug at the chains. I tried everything. I was hopeless. I was trapped. I backed against the door and turned to face my pursuer. At first, I only heard the sound of the rattling chains coming closer and closer from the darkness. That was when I saw a shadow. The silhouette of a man gradually staggered into the pool of light . He was dressed in what looked like a tattered giant pillowcase and he had dangling shoulder-length hair that hung like dead snakes. Instead of fingers, he had long claws dripping with blood. The claws were as sharp as daggers. And his wrists were shackled with manacles with c chains that clanked as he dragged them on the concrete floor.

"I.... I will kill you.... I will rip you apart," he groaned. He drew closer and closer. I was desperate to escape. He repeated over and over that he will kill me. I whimpered and pressed myself against the wall. I was going to die. I shut my eyes and curled into a tight ball as a tear fell from the corner of my eye. With my heart in my throat, I tried to scream at the man to go away but all I could bear to scream was a high-pitched screech of terror.

" I WILL KILL YOU!" he screamed. And that was the last thing I heard.

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