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"Don't make me do it." I pleaded. I officially hate my friends. If I had my way we would be at my house now in our pyjamas watching my favourite movie The Last Song, but no.

I'm standing in the middle of a fairground with my friends glaring at me. Okay, maybe I am being a little bit stubborn but I am terrified of heights. They also know that I am and they're still trying to make me go on the Ferris Wheel.

I take a few steps back and evaluate my problem, this is something I almost always do when I'm stuck in a situation like this.

The Ferris wheel is pretty high but it does go around slowly and I will be sitting in an enclosed carriage with my friends, it can't be that bad.

I look back at my friends again and realise that they are still looking at me hopefully.

I nod my head reluctantly, I expected them to scream with delight but to my surprise they just looked at me, with their mouths open in shock.

Shaking my head I walk on ahead of them before turning around and saying "Well, are you coming or not?"

They scramble to follow me into the line to buy our tickets for the ferris wheel.  I take out my purse and pay the man the price of the ticket and put my change back into my purse.

As I was putting away my change,  I left my ticket on the counter by accident. I was only a couple of steps away from the counter when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I turned around expecting it to be one of the girls, but to my surprise I was met with the most beautiful blue eyes.

"Here's your ticket, I think you left this behind." He smiled at me.

"Thanks." I replied. I looked at him, taking in his cute little dimples as he smiled at me.

As I reached out to take my ticket from him and our fingers brushed of each other.  I pulled my hand back quickly from him.

He seemed to have noticed my reaction and smiled cockily at me due to him realising that he had that effect on me.

I coughed awkwardly before smiling politely and turning around to meet my friends again.  Due to their smirks when I reached them I could tell that they had seen the whole exchange.

"So, who was that?" They giggled.

"Nobody."  I sighed as I looked over my shoulder and continued to usher my friends towards the line for the ride.

We joined the end of an extremely long line, I had hoped that this line would have been shorter that way I would have less time to become more anxious before the ride.

We followed the metal barriers around in a zig-zag pattern for about 15 minutes. It was then I heard a familiar voice coming from behind me.

I peeked around and checked if my instincts were right. Yep, it was him. The ticket guy. I quickly turned around and prayed he didn't notice me. He was by himself talking on his phone.

He was also the last person in this que behind me. I checked my watch, it was 7:45 and the fair closes at 8:00, I think the stalls stop selling tickets around this time.

Ticket guy's friends must be further up in the que waiting for him. As these thoughts had preoccupied me, I hadn't noticed that we had reached the top of the queue.

The next empty cart came to the bottom and the man removed the barrier in front of us to let us get in, I had just climbed up the step before he placed the barrier back down infront of me.

"Hey." I shouted to get his attention, "They are my friends, can I please go in the same cart as them?" I begged.

"Sorry, you're out of luck. You'll have to go into the next carriage with that fellow behind you."

It was then ticket guy looked up from his phone and his eyes light up as he recognised me. "That's fine with me." He smirked again.

God, I would be mad at him if he wasn't so cute. My friends looked at me sympathetically from the cart they were in. I forced a smile on my face as I waved at them when their cart moved past.

It was all their fault that I was about to enter a cart alone with a stranger that doesn't know how scared of heights I am.

ferris wheelOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora