our love naver end

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Hhhiii guyzzz I'm reading many stories on Facebook Nd guyzzz thought to write my story I never write any story once only a OS..!! But now it's delete I'm swasan fan Nd u can say a crazyyy biggest crazy fan..!!😍😍😎😎😎😎
Sooooo for my story write smthg new..
As we all knw we are very sad for a ending our swaragini Nd many things left between swasan unsaid so why not I write smthg new on my babies (Swasan) after laksh arrival in mm..!! Swasan also..!!

Soo story start from swasan are back to mm..!! But Nd sanskar also accept swara is it??? Is sanskar forgive swara soo easily??? Orr plan smthg to punish her.! As six months before he only said he will punish her for doing wrong with him..!!

Will swara available bear his punishment??

What punishment sanskar give to swara??

Will family members support her or left her alone???

Will her so called sister help her to get her love???

It's a small intro..!!
Nd you can say a hint..!!

Our Love Naver End (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now