Jealousy of the Fluffball (ImmortalAnex)

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Rustle, rustle



"Are you kidding me, Aleks?"

Purring. Rustle

Kevin groaned, falling into a sprawled position on the floor. The comforter they laid on did little to soften the blow to his elbows, but that was the least of his concern. 

It was a supposed to be a simple day off between him and Aleks. Days were rushing by in a flash, so the two of them barely had time to themselves, despite living next to each other. This day is supposed to be dedicated to them playing games in Kevin’s apartment and cuddling on the couch. This day was supposed to be about them and only them.

However, Kevin did not realize that he would have to fight for Aleks’ attention.

That day, he received a deadly reminder…..

"Who’s a good little kitty? Who’s the fluffiest little ball?" With a sneaky smile, Aleks booped Nikko on the nose, laughing as the kitty pawed at his fingers. "You are!"

….and that reminder was his house pet named Nikko, and the fact that Aleks has trouble resisting animals. He was lucky that the other one was staying somewhere else for the moment, but still….

Fuck my life.

Kevin huffed, watching through narrowed eyes as his cat, his fucking cat, was gathering all the attention, all the affection that should have been saved for him.

Aleks paid no heed to the glare that Kevin was throwing, back turned as he was too busy nuzzling the affectionate little asshole. Yeah, he’s calling that cat an asshole because he swears that Nikko gave him an evil grin. Seriously, what the fuck.

"Aleeeeeeeks," Kevin whined, pushing himself up to wrap his arms around Aleks’ shoulders, totally not pushing the cat’s head away. No, he just nudged it a little. "Pay attention to meeeeee." He started to shake Aleks, mumbling unintelligibly under his breathe about mind-controlling cats and selfish Russians.

By the lack of response, it almost seemed like he didn’t notice his boyfriend’s childish tantrum. Just when Kevin was about to get up and turn the TV back on, as it was forgotten when the devil cat jumped on them, Aleks turned his head and kissed him on the lips.

It was light peck accompanied by the petting of his long hair. He pulled back, giving a small smile in return to the other’s surprised expression. “I am, you idiot. I just want to make sure I can get approved by your cat. Would kinda suck if he didn’t like me.”

Nikko purred in agreement, clearly enjoying the stupid look on his owner’s face. He tapped a paw against Kevin’s nose as if to express how ridiculous he thought the human was acting. The pale one smells kinda funny, though really nice so he approves.

Then he leapt away from the couple, taking refuge on the couch as he watched his caretaker jump on the smaller human. He wasn’t sure if many humans took in the ritual of grooming each other, but it looks like those two did it regularly. It does not concern him, not really.

As long as they remember who the real master of this house was, then he was fine with their mating commitments.

Jealousy of the Fluffball (ImmortalAnex)Where stories live. Discover now