Chapter 3 - I Join the Lost Boys

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*Yes, short chapters, and honestly not my best work because I'm trying to introduce a whole different system with in Rick Riordan's world. Any questions just ask. I'm trying to get chapters up quickly so the recent updates will help this to show up. Please Share the story and enjoy! ~lokatla*

I opened my eyes slowly, blinking away the blurriness of my long sleep. How long was I even sleeping for? I took in my surroundings and found myself in a small bed in the center of a room filled with books. “Wait…where am I?”

“I believe I can answer that Cory,” I spun to see an older teenager standing in the doorway, “Hey, man. I’m Peter. You can call me Pan, though. How are you feeling? You look a lot better then you did a few days ago when I first checked in. Do you remember anything?”

I sat up and grabbed the glass of water from the bed stand beside me, “I’m feeling almost too good. Did you say days? And I think I remember being brought here by some man, he said he’d let me rest here, but…I don’t remember the rest.”

Peter sat at the foot of my bed and said, “Well, my Officer brought you in when he found you on the street, basically knocked out. You’ve been in a sort of coma state for the past 3 or 4 days. It’s August 12.” I rubbed my eyes and gave a small nod,

“I’m seven now…I’ve been away from home for almost a month now,” I started to panic, “You aren’t going to send me back are you? Or put me in foster care?”

He chuckled and stood again, “No, I have a much better offer. Cory, we’ve been watching you for a while now and you’ve managed to survive on your own for quite some time. Plus you’ve been fending off monsters. We look for kids like you where you have the skills we need early on.”

So, he knew about the monsters too. I shifted slightly and said, “What exactly are you a part of that looks for advanced skills in kids?”

Peter smirked and said, “Why, kids and teenagers, if trained right, can do anything. I’m part of the League of Bounty Hunters. We want you to join. You’ll get trained in all sorts of martial arts, swordplay, and learn how to use many different weapons,” I looked at him skeptically, but then he hit the home run, “Plus you never have to see your father again. You’ll also get a formal education, along with education about things not known to the regular mortal world. You’ll learn the truth and you’ll help many people too. You’ll meet children just like you, and you’ll train under me for the first few weeks. So what do you say? Want to become one of my Lost Boys?”

I got out of the bed shakily and stood in front of Peter, in jeans that fit and a new white t-shirt that had some Greek symbols on it. I asked him, “Why did they send you, if you’re not in charge?”

Pan smiled and said, “Because you wouldn’t join if an adult asked you to. You hardly ever deal with adults; it’s always through teenagers like me. What is better than learning self-defense, meeting and helping people, and not having to deal with cruddy parents?”

I pondered the thought and then held out my hand, “It’s a deal. I want to be a part of the League of Bounty Hunters. When do we start?”

Peter stood and started toward the door, “Right now.” He opened it and entered the hallway. I followed him, and for the first time noticed he was wearing strange clothing, like battle armor mixed with normal clothes. He also had a sword at his hip and a quiver and bow on his back.

As we walked past several open doors, I peaked in to find gym-like rooms where kids my age and even some older kids were training on practice dummies or with each other. Some were running around a track, or swimming or doing pushups and sit ups. No one was ever just sitting or relaxing. I could get to like this place, it never stops moving; perfect for my ADHD.

Peter opened the door to what looked to be living quarters. There were several bunks and dressers under them, along with desks next to each bunk. He turned to me and said, “This is where you will be staying for the next few months. You have 5 other roommates, Hunter, Raul, Thomas, Sammy, and Paris. They are who you will be mostly training with, as they are also pretty new to the program, except for Thomas, he’s the oldest. We are the Lost Boys, and you will report to me for the first 5 months of training. We’ll see what happens after that.”

I grabbed the empty bottom bunk in the corner and saw that some of my stuff from my old house was here and already put away in the drawers under my bunk. My oversized hoodie was even placed neatly and cleanly on my pillow. Peter smiled at my reaction and continued, “We’ve bought you new training clothing as well as acquired some of your old clothing for your free days. Schooling will be held in a class of 30 in an assigned classroom in the afternoons 5 times a week. The mornings will be training and you will have 3 meals a day. Evenings are reserved for rest and relaxation and making social connections with your other training peers, perhaps the group of girls that we also train with.

In the room connected to this one there is bathroom and in the hall there is a commons room that we share with the girls, it has gaming systems and a small snack supply. You are allowed to spend your evening hours there if you wish. I’ll make sure you are debriefed fully later, but for now you can look around the facilities and make yourself at home. I’ll be back in a few hours to talk to the room as a whole. See you later Cory.”

He made his way out, face red from the mouthful of things he told me. I sat on the bunk and smiled, I could finally make a place my home. This ‘League of Bounty Hunters’ may be good for me, and what I’m really curious about is what ‘truth’ do they have to teach us? I opened up my back pack and found a small bronze dagger sitting on the top. I stared at it curiously then reached for it and held it in my hand. It felt nice and balanced, like I’d used it before.

A vision flashed through my mind of a blonde girl with gray eyes and I dropped the dagger. I stared at it before kicking it under the bunk, terrified of what the dagger had done. I shook my head and lay down, still tired even after the long rest. I’d explore when I woke up, but for now I just wanted a sleep that I could control. When I woke up I met my new roommates.

Hunter is a pretty short guy with dirty blonde hair and sharp features. He had a lot of scars all over his face that were hard to notice behind his freckles. Often, his expression was hidden behind a pair of dark brown eyes.

Raul is second tallest, was built like a future football player and had brown hair long enough to tie back, which he did. He had hazel eyes and he is close to Sammy, I think they are brothers. Sammy is slightly shorter and skinnier than Raul and the only difference between the two was that he had short black hair that was styled up in a way that made him look almost hawk-like.

Thomas is the tallest and was very beefy. He had black hair and eyebrows that made him look like he was always angry matched with dark eyes. He reminded me of the monsters.

Paris is a quiet, blonde haired boy with blue eyes and a few freckles. Pan told me he was admitted into the League by his father who is an Officer. I went back to sleep after meeting them and began to dream about the girl in the dagger.

Little did I know, those would be happening frequently.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2014 ⏰

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