Chapter one: The First Day of School

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The Story With No Name

Chapter 1: First day of school.

God, can't believe doing this again. Junior year. I have the perfect friends, boyfriend, and everything. Then again, why do I feel so empty. I feel like I need change. Something new in my life, something crazy and insane.

"Okay, I haven't seen you all summer, and you seem depressed. Did you not enjoy your summer with Nate and the Ocean house?", Jules asked

Jules is my crazy smart friend. She is sassy with a side of ass kick. She loves to read hopeless romantic books about people dying, and then try to get other people to read it.

"I'm fine! It's the first day of school and it's going to be a great year, I can feel it!" I replied with a sense of hopefulness.

"Something is going to be different. I don't know what will be, but I can just feel it". Alex said as we walked through the hall. Alex was my best friend, she was my rock and I shared everything with her.

Oh, you have no idea, how much those words would affect me

"HOPE! Turn around beautiful or you'll miss me"

I turn around and it's my boyfriend Nate. We've been dating for almost a year now, and I couldn't be happier. His parents are just like my dad, we spent the summer together, and he is just a romantic fool. And I love him unfortunately.

"Huh? Do I want to turn around? Or I think I should just keep walking, you know I have places to be",

All of a sudden i've been pulled back and i'm in his arms.

"Your perfume is very strong today, did you spend time with your grandmother again" Nate asked with a smir on his face

Asshole. Nate is 5,10, with brownish blond hair, with almost emerald green eyes. He plays Basketball, and is the captain of the Baseball team.

I don't really get sports. I'm a supportive girlfriend don't get me wrong, but I seriously don't get anything about sports.

My name is Hope Michaels. I'm 16 years old, a height of about 5,5, I have dark red hair (secret: I dye it), blue eyes, and drive a burgundy Honda Civic. I love my car, it's literally my baby and sometimes the comfiest place to sleep. I'm also a virgin. Yep, thats right. Haven't given that away yet, but i'll find the right person.

"Oh my god, thats him. That's the new kid. I heard his name is Cole, and he's from Chicago. He drives a black Civic, and he has a little brother named Sam" Jules said as she stares at him.

"Jules, if you continue to stare at him like that, you're gonna weird him out". I said, as she stares at him even more now that I said something

He turns around and my heart stops. He stands at least 6 ft tall, with brown hair, that slightly covers over his eyes, and his eyes are perfect hazel and he stares right back at me. Oh god, i'm blushing. Oh god.

"Yo, Hope, you okay? Your face is completely red", Nate asked looking concerned.

Fuck! Okay, just get to your first period, and the mysterious boy will disappear.

"Okay, I have to go to class now but i'll see you after 1st okay"? Nate says as he leaves me

He kisses me at my 1st period and then meets up with his friends.

Oh no. He's in my first. Shit. I don't want him here. He's sitting in the seat behind me. Great. Jules sits down in the desk, in the row next to mine and starts to chat him up.

"Hi! I'm Julia, but people call me Jules, what's your name"?

"I'm Cole" he says in his super deep voice. Gosh is it just in their DNA for hot guys to have deep voices

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