Tour With My Besties

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Loren POV

Today I start tour with all of my friends!! I'm so excited I get to see everyone again! So I packed everything yesterday. When I get there the first thing I want to do is run up and hug Mark.

**** Time Skip****

So I got there and when I saw Mark I went and gave him a big bear Mark and then I heard a voice

" You know I'm here too" the voice was familiar, I looked over and saw Zach pout. I smiled went over to him and gave him a hug.

" Hey " said Mark and when I heard Mark I pulled away from Zach

" What's wrong now " I said with a sarcastic eye roll

"You didn't hug me that long, you just gave me a bear hug and hugged Zach" he said with a pout

I rolled my eyes and said "What's wrong with that?" I asked him

"it looks like he's your bestfriend and I'm not" he said, I just laughed and looked at him with the 'are you serious look'

" you both are my friends, but your gonna have to battle for the 'bestfriend' title" I said looking at Mark, of them and Mark just shrugged, I faked like if I was offended and gasped. Then I looked at Zach he started laughing

"Loren you and I both know that I'm going to win" he said while he pointed his finger at me and him. I tried to hold in a laugh, but that didn't work, and I giggled. Mark gave me the deadliest glares, I held my hands up in defense

"No need for glares that could kill" I said " any way lets get on the tour bus" I said now walking away from them to get on to the tour bus. Zach and Mark were right behind me once I got on the bus I greeted everyone. Once I was done, I went to pick my bed cubicle thingy.

I ended picking the one next to Zach which was the highest one. Zach had two cool little light things and I quickly took one and put it in my little cubicle thing. Zach got in his thing and I giggled.

"Loren what did you do with my glowing lights?" he asked

"I wanted one and since you had two I took the one with the blue and pink lights" I responded

"Why don't you just bye you're own?" he asked on the other side of the bunk

"Why would I want to waist money?" I asked and giggled at the end

"So you won't take mine" he said in a 'matter of fact' tone in his voice

" Then I wouldn't get you worked up, and your funny when your worked up " I said and then I started to laugh

"Ok so lets talk" he said

"About what?" I said hoping we could talk

"I don't know, How about you and Joey" he said I cringed at his name

" We broke up" I said

" I know you broke up, how did it happen and why?" he asked

{ I don't know how they broke up but I made it up so }

" He cheated on me with someone from school, and since I go to online school I didn't know" I said nervously on the verge of tears, that's when Zach got out of his bunk and climbed into mine, not gonna lie it was super crowded in hear with him and me both in it.At least the bunk fit us both

" He cheated on you ?" he asked, I nodded and a tear managed to escape from my eye

" Yeah he did and I feel like an idiot for not knowing" I said in a low voice, Out of nowhere the curtain of the bunk closed and someone wrapped their arms around me, I knew it was Zach and I hugged him back.

" Its ok" he mumbled into my neck, I just nodded

Eventually Zach and I fell asleep talking, and I must say even if the bunk is little I was pretty comfortable...

**** 2 hours later ****

I woke up and remembered everything that has happened in the last two hours, then I remembered Zach and I fell asleep, when I lifted my head and saw Zach under me. Wait hold up, am I not heavy? he's sleeping and I've been on top of him all this time and he's sleeping like there's no weight on top of him.

Then, I noticed that his hands were wrapped around me. When I tried to get out of his grip, it failed cause it got even tighter, since his hands were on my upper back when I moved they started to slide and now they're above my butt, so I chose not to move any more so I put my head on his chest and started to think.

Wait since he asked how I broke up with Joey, Why didn't I ask why he broke up with Ariel? I'll ask him another time. This might be a little bunk but I'm super comfortable. Then I decided to wake him up, and that's going to be super hard considering he's a not a light sleeper.

" Zach wake up " I whispered in his ear

" Zach " I said and started to shake him

" One more minute mom" he said, I giggled

" Zach, you need to wake up " and I started to tickle him. He started to laugh and then he opened his eyes

"What is so important that you need to wake me up for " he asked in a low voice

" We need to wake up because I'm hungry " I said in a whinny voice

He rolled his eyes and said " Fine, fine but you get out of the bunk first " I nodded and started to slide down, and then I felt something touch my butt, and my eyes widened, I totally forgot where Zach's hand were ! Okay so once I slid down I looked around, everyone was sleeping. Then Zach slid down next to me and since I had snacks in one of my bags so I picked up the bags and went to a sitting area.

"Zach come on" I said in a whisper so I won't wake anyone up

"ok I'm coming, I'm coming" he said just as low

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