Heartbreaking News**<</>>**....

453 14 6

[Third person POV]

The next morning was an amazing start to a new phase. When Tania woke up, she could feel the smile on her face. She finally had her first kiss. She willingly gave it to Vic. Last night was the best night for both of their lives. After their romantic dance, they had gotten closer. Somehow they couldn't stay apart from each other for too long without at least touching each other.

When Vic dropped her off, he came to the porch to see her off. When she looked at him, she couldn't help but shy away from the penetrating gaze he had on her. She had her back towards the front door which he backed her into and trapped her with his arms on the door at either side of her. He leaned in and stopped just a breath away from her lips. She could feel her heart creating havoc in her chest. His eyes glanced down at her lips and she unconsciously licked them. He looked up into her eyes; she could clearly see the question in his eyes. He was asking her permission to kiss her. Her hands were itching to caress him. She looked into his eyes deeply and found her answer then and there. She closed the gap between them and brushed her lips to his. That was all the answer he needed before he put his hands on her waist and pulled her into his chest tightly before kissing her with a passion she never knew she could feel. This was her first kiss and it felt amazing. After sometime they pulled apart trying to catch a breath while he rested his forehead against hers breathing deeply. He brought one of his hands from her waist and tangled it in her hair, pulling it backwards making her head tilt exposing her neck. Maybe that was what he wanted to do because then he was kissing behind her earlobe and trailing kisses on her neck to shoulder. He sucked on her weak point at the junction between her neck and shoulder. She bet there would be a hickey there by next morning. Seconds later they heard something break from the inside of the house and Vic instantly looked up to see the light coming from Nathaniel's room and his window open. So he watched it all. Good. This seemed to have snapped Ti out of her hot flush and she distanced herself from him. He saw her hide her face. Using his index finger he pulled up her chin to see that she was blushing. He couldn't help but let a chuckle escape. She was so cute. He took her face in his hands and saw her trying to look anywhere but his eyes. He waited for her to look at him. When she finally did he spoke with all the true emotions flowing through his heart.

"I love you Ti. I really love you too much."

He could see different emotions running across her eyes. But then she suddenly spoke.

"I like you Vic. I'm sorry."

She bent her head down, probably thinking that he would be disappointed that she didn't say it back.

"Hey hey look at me. Come on Ti look at me."

She looked up into his eyes to find them filled with love. She couldn't help but feel like she was at fault. He could see the guilt displayed in her eyes.

"Ti it does not matter if you love me or not, but I love you. I understand you completely. So stop feeling guilty Ti. I would never pressure you into anything. I promise. You can have me however you want; as a friend, best friend, brother, companion, lover or boyfriend. I will never leave your side no matter what. You understand?"

She gave him a small smile and quickly kissed his cheek before going into her house. Just as he was about to go back towards the car, he heard a small whisper before the main door closed.


He looked towards the door to figure out what he heard was true. He walked to his car in daze and just as he was about to speed away from there, he looked towards her window to see her standing there with a small smile on her face. He looked to her with question in his eyes. She laughed and nodded. He could not believe it. She said yes to be his girlfriend. He whooped with joy and sped away in glee, leaving a laughing Ti behind.

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